The Axis of Silliness
Warblogger Watch just keeps doing everything it can to prove that they don't really want to have a serious discourse on the war, but instead just want to call people names. This link includes a vaguely racist reference to "Instacracker" (and then links to Instapundit) as well as using "Pej Puppet" to link to a post by Pejman Yousefzadeh (although I guess this is better than the Pej pee-pee head honorific bestowed upon Pejman in the past by this same group).
Interestingly, their comments server has been off-line for the past several days. Since the vast majority of comments were posted the so-called Warbloggers, I guess the boys at WBW just got tired of wading through all of the contrarian dialogue.
The "Instacracker" comment has been bugging me since I read it over at WBW. If Glenn Reynolds were black, would WBW so blithely describe him as InstaN...(you fill in the rest). I don't think so, because that would definitely be seen as racist. Now, I know nothing about the poster who made that remark, so I went back to WBW to see:
1) If their comments section was back up so I could add my 0.02 and
2) See if they listed a link to their poster (you know, one that actually works rather than the stupid little phoney links they put up for their adversaries).
Alas, I can't get WBW to open. Perhaps there is a major system upgrade, perhaps Ted Rall is designing new graphics for them, who knows? I hope they come back, because there is nowhere else on the net to get so much chunky anti-war rhetoric and good hearty belly laughs in one sitting.
7:18:25 PM