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  Friday, August 23, 2002

The Bleat sees a sinister (ok, not so sinister; wink-wink-nudge-nudge) plot behind our Canadian Friends little Anti-American diatribe.  You may need to put a little money in the kitty over at the Lilek beach of bodacious blond babes, however, just in case the NSA ever decides to take him up on that drink offer.

7:30:56 PM    

The Axis of Silliness

Warblogger Watch just keeps doing everything it can to prove that they don't really want to have a serious discourse on the war, but instead just want to call people names.  This link includes a vaguely racist reference to "Instacracker" (and then links to Instapundit) as well as using "Pej Puppet" to link to a post by Pejman Yousefzadeh (although I guess this is better than the Pej pee-pee head honorific bestowed upon Pejman in the past by this same group).

Interestingly, their comments server has been off-line for the past several days.  Since the vast majority of comments were posted the so-called Warbloggers, I guess the boys at WBW just got tired of wading through all of the contrarian dialogue.


The "Instacracker" comment has been bugging me since I read it over at WBW.  If Glenn Reynolds were black, would WBW so blithely describe him as InstaN...(you fill in the rest).  I don't think so, because that would definitely be seen as racist.  Now, I know nothing about the poster who made that remark, so I went back to WBW to see:

1) If their comments section was back up so I could add my 0.02 and

2) See if they listed a link to their poster (you know, one that actually works rather than the stupid little phoney links they put up for their adversaries).

Alas, I can't get WBW to open.  Perhaps there is a major system upgrade, perhaps Ted Rall is designing new graphics for them, who knows?  I hope they come back, because there is nowhere else on the net to get so much chunky anti-war rhetoric and good hearty belly laughs in one sitting.

7:18:25 PM    

Hizbollah Hack-Job

Little Green Footballs is reporting that the Hizbollah website has been hacked.  Not very subtle, but I guess it sends a message of some sort, like the hackers are Arab haters who are focusing on a people rather than the actions of a corrupt few.  But, since it seems to be OK to lump all us Americans in the "hypocrits murderers and fools" category (not to mention fat-assed and non-Canadian), I guess the hacker's zeal can at least be understood, if not condoned.

But, the most interesting thing is that the message left by the hackers suggests that they may be, um, temporally challenged.  If a group of script kiddies can do this to the Hizbollah site, just think what some of these agencies with real full grown computer geeks can do!

6:52:49 PM    

Tit for Tat

If the Palestinians use any more of their F-16's (no matter what gender).....


Then it's only fair that the Israelis get to use a few of theirs...

5:00:57 PM    

From the "A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words" Department


This just about sums it up.

As former Israeli prime minister Golda Meier was quoted as saying:  "There will never be peace in the Middle East until they love their children more than they hate us."

But remember, This is just a little joke to celebrate the holidays


Too bad this photo taken ourside of a Tel Aviv disco full of dangerous dancing teenagers isn't a joke as well..


Question:  If the Palestinians describe their suicide bombers as their version of smart bombs and F-16's AND if they have no problems using "their" F-16's against innocent Israeli civilians, what stops Israel from reciprocating?  I know some of you will have a problem with the concept of "innocent" Israelis, but those Tel Aviv disco dancing teens did not deserve to be blown up any more than the innocent Americans (I know, I know, there aren't any of those either) at the World Trade Center. 

1:08:19 PM    

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