Random Nuclear Strikes
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  Monday, August 26, 2002


Just another sad story:

This guy, Ward Weaver,

is about to be indicted following the positive identification of the remains of Miranda Gaddis, a 13 year old girl who has been missing since last year.  Another girl, 12 year old Ashley Pond, disappeared around the same time as Gaddis.  Weaver was accused of the murders by his own son, allegedly after Weaver raped his son's girlfriend.  Now, I don't know what the son knew, and when.  But if he knew that his father had killed these girls, and only told authorities about it after dear old dad sexually assaulted his girlfriend, then it seems to me that he must share some culpability in concealing the crime.  Admittedly Weaver's son didn't have much of a role model to follow, but I don't know how you keep something like this quiet.

6:30:21 PM    


Just got a hit from someone Googling "Arab Top Babes".  I'm not sure if they were looking for the burqa free variety or not.  But, when I replicated the search, I found LOTS of Indian, Pakistani, and other sites with all kinds of un-burqa'd women.  And I mean REALLY un-burqa'd.  I thought this was one of those great evils that fundamentalist Islam was supposed to be fighting in the infidel West, our desire to ogle naked women.  It seems like maybe they should deal with their own part of the world before they fly any more planes into buildings in our neck of the woods.  As far as I could tell from my intensive interent research, it doesn't look like Hollywood has anything over Bollywood in the sleaze and exploitation department.

But, just to try to help my googling friend out, I provide this photo.  I can only assume she is a top Arab babe behind the veil.


5:55:45 PM    

Well see how well this little comment generator works, courtesy of Haloscan.
5:31:56 PM    

Comments enabled (?)
5:29:21 PM    

Lab news!!

Compare this Photo:


With this one:

These are pre- (top) and post-(bottom) treatment photos of cells treated with a treatment derived by my laboratory.  The cells is the bottom photo are exhibiting cellular characteristics compatible with a process called apoptosis.

3:32:46 PM    

Cool news on the research front.  I'll post a couple of photos once I get the chance.
1:26:02 PM    

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