Random Nuclear Strikes
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  Thursday, August 29, 2002

Test of Sitemeter
4:43:23 PM    

Sleeper cell arrested

Just in case you were starting to get too complacent, there is this story out of Detroit.  Here we have a group of guys in our own country looking at targeting DisneyLand.  And all the while some people list all the reasons why we haven't got a strong enough reason to move against Saddam.  I guess we just need a few more attacks on American soil (or even a single attack on European soil) to convince some of the US's most vocal detractors that there is something to be said for the motto "do unto them, first".

4:32:29 PM    

Denise Lyman money grubbing update

Here's another story about the NYC landlady who is suing the family of a young woman who died in the WTC tragedy because, among other things, she failed to give the landlady 3 months notice of her intent to vacate.  Some people just have no souls.

10:14:39 AM    

Iterview with Daniel Pipes

John Hawkins at Right Wing News ( a bit further right than I usually lean) has an interesting interview with Middle East expert Daniel Pipes.  Pretty interesting stuff.

10:06:22 AM    

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