I guess this guy will be the next person murdered by the Al Aqsa Brigade for collaborating with Israel. Suggesting that killing innocent civilians by suicide bombings is wrong must be enough to get you on some Palestinian marked for death shit list somewhere, right?
6:58:03 PM
Just Deserts?
Does this fall into the "Smitten by God" category?
6:54:30 PM
Anti-Americanism knows no bounds
Just to show you how far the Anti-American sentiment goes in some corners of Yurp (that's Europe for the uninitiated), I offer this little piece of drivel. The headline suggests that somehow the US started Pearl Harbor by firing on a little Japanese mini-sub. This, of course, is entirely consistent thought on the part of the Independent, however. Pearl Harbor was really our fault, just like the WTC and events of 9/11 were really our fault.
5:47:29 PM
My latest Google Hits
Are surely something to be proud of. All of my hits have been generated by the scumsucking landlady Denise Lyman, alleged serial killer pedophile Ward Weaver, and the Baton Rouge Serial Killer. What a great line-up (I think I liked it better when I was getting hits for Top Arab Babes)
5:35:31 PM
Now THIS is a well deserved award
So Greenpeace and a couple of other NGO's were presented with a most prestigious award at the Sustainability summit in South Africa.
My favorite bit:
Mitra denounced the three NGOs as parasites which "prey on the blood of the poor" and did not help to improve agricultural productivity in the Third World.
"They are not interested in famine or poverty. This lot is concerned only about their own interests.
"They sit here at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in their rich man's hotels and romanticise everything," he said.
Yep, romanticize everything, do nothing, and denounce anyone who dares to disagree with them. Hey, here's a thought. Why don't we ask people who need our help what kind of help they really need, rather than telling them what kind of help we think they need. People fighting to keep genetically altered grains out of sub-saharan Africa because they are against this kind of genetic manipulation should have to sit down and discuss their position with the starving people that this technology could potentially save. What a joke.
But, the bullshit award is abtly named and richly deserved. And notice how all of the delegates at the WSSD are staying in luxury hotels and dining on lobster, steak, cavier, pate' while all around them people are dying of malnutrition. Does the horrible irony of this even start to sink in? Of course not, because these blowhards are all too busy patting themselves on the back and loudly denouncing the US's resistance to the Kyoto accords to actually hear the pleas of those they are allegedly concerned about. Where is Chomsky to decry a real "silent genocide" when you need him?
5:30:47 PM
Chinese Aids Activist Missing
Stories like this drive home how differently we treat people here in the US versus much of the world. Think guys like Chomsky, Fisk, and Rall would get to spew their brand of anti-government rhetoric in any of these countries they seem to admire so much?
11:39:00 AM
Baseball Strike averted
Perhaps the players and the owners noted how badly the money grubbing Denise Lyman is being portrayed in the local papers for her seemingly endless greed. Perhaps they realize that average Americans are tired and frustrated and economically challenged right now, and care nothing for the "plight" of millionaire players and billionaire owners. Maybe they realized that football and hockey seasons are right around the corner, and it really didn't appear as if the fans gave much of a rat's ass whether they struck or not. Whatever the reason, baseball showed a little sanity (and decency) by finding a way to avoid another "work stoppage". Is playing a game really "work"? I am an avid Yankees fan, but this was going to be it for me. If they ended the season, I was never going back. Plus, I have college and pro football to carry me over until my number one sport hockey begins in October.