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  Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Baton Rouge Serial Killer Profile

The FBI has developed this profile of the Baton Rouge Serial Killer.  I'm not sure what it told us that we didn't already know before, but what can you do?

7:11:04 PM    

Meanwhile, back on the Bayou

LSU has fired Dr. Steven Hatfill, the "person of interest" in the anthrax probe.  Now, I don't agree at all with the way Hatfill has been treated by the FBI, but the guy was a complete numbnut for putting some of the fake stuff he did on his CV.  It gave the university the perfect out of a stcky situation, while allowing it to distancing itself from the anthrax controversy.

6:50:28 PM    

Never piss off (or on) a Rottweiller

The anti-Idiotarian Rottie doesn't care much for the Iraqi offer to allow weapons inspections, or arguments in favor thereof.

Actually, I can see both sides of this issue.  I would have no problems with putting in a stringent inspection routine that allowed us to slap the shit out of Saddam the instant he did anything other than comply.  But the UN let him play rope a dope for years, and there really is no reason to believe that now would be any different.

The best part of the Rottie rant goes something like:


Let them hate us all they want while we do what we have to do, I don't give a royal fuck! What're they gonna do? Fucking BLEED on us???


6:28:14 PM    

Is a Baghdad Death Trap like a Brutal Afghan Winter?

I think this editorial from the NY Post sums it up rather nicely.  The biggest truism in the article?

 But the notion that Saddam has stumbled on some kind of magical strategy for negating American might is simply wrong.

Yep.  Saddam couldn't do anything to protect himself during the Gulf War, but somehow he has masterfully used the past 10 years to get stronger and more dangerous, at least according to those opposed to US intervention in Iraq.  But, if he's stronger and more dangerous, then shouldn't we be doing something about it NOW, rather than wait until he decides to do something nasty with all of his newfound mighty powerfulness?  And if he's not stronger and more dangerous than he was 10 years ago, exactly why should we fear going after him and finishing the job?

If he can put up a real fight, then we are crazy for sitting around and letting him improve his position at our expense.  Especially because it means that more Americans will die, one way or the other.  And if he can't put up a real fight, then maybe he should have thought about that before he decided to support people who mean us harm.

6:10:59 PM    

Newsweek says....

That life is actually better for people in Afghanistan since the US invasion.  How on Earth did this subversive and heretical viewpoint make it into mainstream media?  Remember, America = Evil and criticism of America = good.

While the Guardian declares that

Millions face death from starvation this winter.  Are these the same millions that Chomsky said would be killed off from starvation LAST winter?  I mean, how many silent genocides can one have?  But our friends over at the Guardian would never distort things to make Americans look bad, would they?

2:10:24 PM    

Puritans on the Rampage?

First read this little piece explaining why we Americans behave the way we do.  Then go read this piece about why the author of the aforementioned tripe is an idiot.

I wonder when people who don't live here, aren't a part of our culture, don't want to know anything about our culture (and in fact openly disdain and ridicule us), and who know nothing about how the events of 9/11/01 affected us as a nation will just shut the fuck up about how we are supposed to feel and act?

1:11:54 PM    

Speaking of Little Green Footballs

Go there if you've never been.  Because you get to read things like this, a list of things to help you decide if you might be a idiotarian.

12:53:09 PM    

Will the real Nazi please stand up?

Over the week-end, Axis of Silliness Central command, also known as Warblogger Watch, had great fun pointing to an analysis of Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs blog which accused it of being anti-Muslim, racist, and Nazi like.  The comments section of this blurb generated a lot of commentary, most notably from Mark Konrad of the Vanguard News Network (Warning, not for the faint of heart).  Now, the VNN is about as "Nazi like" as you can get, so having Mr. Konrad enter the fray was interesting.  Even more interesting is that Konrad railed against Little Green Footballs, whined that he had been "censored" from the site, and then went on to praise Warblogger Watch.  So the question is, which site is actually Nazi-like:  Warblogger Watch or LGFs?

12:49:32 PM    

What a cooperative guy that  Saddam is....

Does anyone doubt that the only reason Saddam is willing to let UN weapons inspectors back into Iraq is because he is confident that the has hidden everything so well it will never be found?  This report hints about upcoming public disclosures regarding Saddam's capabilities.  It should be interesting to see how this plays itself out over the next few weeks.

But despite evidence that Saddam has huge stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, there will still be a constant cry that any action against Iraq is "unjustified".  Perhaps unilateral action will be justified after a few thousand more innocent people are murdered.

12:22:00 PM    

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