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  Monday, September 09, 2002

The making of a hawk

Go read James Cramers' essay on the change in his worldview.  Then head over to the axis of silliness and marvel at how obtuse and truly morally bankrupt some people are.  The best bit is the ending:


In years to come, there will be people who stayed pacifist or ignorant or oblivious to what has happened, and they will be looked upon in later history as cowards or dreamers or fools. And then there will be the people who saw Sept. 11 for what it was, a declaration of war against us, and acted accordingly. I want nothing more than to be in the latter camp, if only because yesterday was and always will be Sept. 11 until our enemies are vanquished.


7:12:26 PM    

Nothing like having an uneducated parent

Trying to be sure they end up with an uneducated child.  Here we have the story of Akwana Walker, a parent who is upset that her daughter's 4th grade teacher taught the class that the word "niggardly" was a synonym for stingy.  Ms. Walker decided that niggardly sounded too much like another "N" word, and fired off a letter of protest. 

The teacher, Stephanie Bell, has already sent out a letter of apology to her student's parents, apparently at the insistence of her school board.  But Ms. Walker, ever the seeker of higher education, isn't satified.  She is demanding that Ms. Bell be fired for using a word that has no racial meaning, is not a slur (racial or otherwise), and whose only claim to fame is that it sounds like a word that IS a racial slur, albeit a particularly ugly one.  The school board is reacting by sending in a counselor to meet with the kids.  Hey, note to school board:  You hear a hell of a lot worse than niggardly on the playground every day.

Once again, political correctness forces an apology to some moron who is too stupid to know if they really should be offended or not.

6:49:36 PM    

Well, I'm off to NYC

For the first time since the WTC attack.  How ironic that my first visit back to the big apple is the week of the one year anniversary, with a Friday the 13th thrown in to boot.  I leave early tomorrow morning, and will try to do a bit of remote bloggage.  I am also taking my digital camera, and will try and get some photo's of the celebration(s), if possible.

6:10:55 PM    

Some more photos from Little Green Footballs

These, unlike previous ones I have linked to, won't make you cry.  They sould make you angry.  They should give you some idea of the "culture" we are up against in the guise of Islamist fanaticism.  Scroll down and follow the links to some comics posted by Vilmos.

12:49:49 PM    

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