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  Friday, September 13, 2002

Friendly Fire Google Bomb

Apparently Nukevet is now the #1 Google reference for "Shropshire Slasher".  Feel sorta dirty. 

1:56:28 PM    

This is cool video

Of a C30 Transport plane deploying flare decoys.  Apparently they are called Angel decoys, because of the pattern they make around the plane.  Video courtesy of Michael.  Warning: about 2MB of video.

1:52:42 PM    

Another foreigner telling us how terrible we are,

This one is Australian.  And what a piece of work "ex-diplomat" Alison Broinowski is.  I'm not even going to try and paraphrase Bargarz's response to her "Bully had it coming" (yes, that's the actual title) article.  It's too long and too good.  Go to Bargarz and read the entire thing. (link via the Rottie).

I'm sure Ms. Broinowski is a heavy contributor to the Lebanese Gang Rapist's appeal fund.  I'm sure she feels that,  just like the bully US deserved to have 3,000 people killed by Islamic fanatics, those raped Australian women really had it coming to them for being infidels.  What an absolute load of tripe, and scheduled to come out around a time of rememberance for the WTC victems.  Grandstanding, blowhard, moral equivalence spewers like this deserve nothing but ridicule and contempt.

The comments seem to be running about 60% against Broinowski and 40% for her anti-American diatribe.  But you have to read the fine print, where it says that the editors will "select comments for publication and reserve the right to edit them".  So, don't expect us to just let just anyone tell us what they think of Ms. Broinowski's message.  We will select and sanitize the comments for your consumption.  If you're going to post such inflammatory rhetoric and invite comments, then at least have the balls to let all of the comments be heard.

1:45:27 PM    


Thai noodles with spicey beef soup.  Advantage: Nukevet!

1:11:48 PM    

The Toronto Sun

Calls Chretien an embarrassment.  Further, they say Chretien's remarks are the result of the US actions in the face of terrorism making him feel "weak and petty".  That sounds about right, Chretien will surely be welcomed with open arms by the anti-war crowd.

From the Toronto Sun Article:

That Chretien resents America and President Bush may well be because they make him look weak and petty.

Chretien can't inspire others, except those who depend on him for favours. He has disarmed Canada, made us utterly dependent on America for security, and resents it.

Increasingly, Canadians want Chretien gone. The longer he sticks around, the greater the likelihood that the Liberal party will suffer. Chretien has become a national embarrassment.

Anything that makes the liberal party suffer sounds good to me, but surely Chretien will not be allowed to stick around to make things worse.  As a reader commented below, Canada needs to decide if they are a democracy or a socialist state.  Looking at their tax burden, one can only wonder.


12:48:16 PM    

Scott Ritter Speaks!

And it's not pretty.  He accuses Richard Butler of espionage, without offering any proof, thereby giving the Iraqis a perfect strawman to knock over when deflecting calls for unlimited weapons inspections.  Ritter also manages to never quite answer whether or not he is getting payed for his sudden aggressive endorsement of Iraq.  The interviewer does show that Ritter's trip to Iraq was financed by some "Iraq friendly" individuals (all laundered through the appropriate not for profit, of course)

Ritter's accusations against Butler?

RITTER: Yes, the last time we allowed inspectors into Iraq unconditionally, what happened? The United States OK'd these inspectors and used them to spy on Saddam Hussein. 

ASMAN: Wait a minute, are you including your former boss Richard Butler in that category? 

RITTER: He was totally complicit -- complicit with it. 

ASMAN: He was a spy? 

RITTER: Richard Butler allowed the United States to use the United Nations weapons program a Trojan horse to go into Iraq, which was not approved by the United Nations and did not facilitate the disarmament process, which instead focused on the facility of Saddam Hussein and military targets. 

ASMAN: So you think Richard was an agent of the CIA? 

RITTER: Don't put words in my mouth. 

ASMAN: I'm asking you. 

RITTER: Richard facilitated American espionage in Iraq. 

Now, if Ritter knows this to be true, where is the same proof he requires us to have before we take any action against Saddam?  If it is true, isn't there some penalty for exposing a US spy to the enemy during wartime?  At the very least, Ritter has assured that Butler will never be allowed back in Iraq (I sure Scott wants to be the head of the weapons inspection team, now that he has conveniently removed Butler)
11:13:54 AM    

Another Sontag FiskingTM

This time from Andrew Sullivan.  It is interesting to see Sontag spend time on an essay that basically ends with "even though I haven't made my case, you guys are all lobotomized idiots because you don't share my views". 

10:52:04 AM    

Drop your Hankies

It's clobberin' time!

10:44:06 AM    

Now that Bush

Has put the onus on the UN to find SOME way to stay relevant (either make your resolutions mean something, or get the F#CK out of the way), the anti-war folks are whipped into a frenzy.  Why, even the pseudoanonymous Eric A Blair has resurfaced.  No actual word on the travel plans of any of the watchers, but Dr. Weevil has the money ready for any who want to book a 1 way fare to Iraq.

10:41:37 AM    

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