September 25, 2002
This German Citizen

Is really pissed at Bush. She thinks that it is a scandal that Bush had the audacity to speak out against Schroder's government. Apparently the anti-Bush and anti-American statements by Schroder and his cabinet shouldn't even enter into the equation.

She asks:

So again the question - why did George W. Bush interfere into a democratic election? And why did he wait just until after the flood, when the chances for SPD started to get better??

What a whiner. First, GWB didn't interfere with a democratic election, but stated a preference for one party that supported the US against another party that had made anti-US rhetoric a cornerstone of its platform. Interfering with an election would entail funneling dollars to the opposition campaign, stopping people from voting, etc. And why did he wait until after the flood? Well, the primary reason is because that is when Schroder realised he was in trouble, and stepped up his US-bashing.

Same old double standard. Other countries can be as critical as they want of the US, say whatever they want about our current president, but by god we better not offer even a little bit of criticism of them. Go add a comment or two, if you're so inclined.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at September 25, 2002 11:39 AM
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