September 29, 2002
More democratic self immolation

So now we have a couple of Democrats over in Iraq, sympathizing with Saddam and essentially calling Bush untrustworthy. So much for that "we all stick together in time of crisis" thing. How about "aiding and abetting the enemy"? But not to worry, I'm sure Daschle will be scheduling some face time with these 2, to discuss the "evils" of politicizing the war. First Gore, then Daschle, then Gore again, and now Bonoir and McDermott. How much more damage can the democratic party do to itself?? The answer is, I hope, "LOTS". But any more and I almost feel greedy.


Trent Lott responds to the Democratic morons above here.

Should be interesting to watch the Dems spin this one in the coming weeks. And here is a picture of our 2 Saddam apologists:

And what handsome boys they are. So tell me again, why are they in Iraq and why are they supporting Saddam? Hopefully they are there to sign up for the Saddam Hussein Human Shields Martyrs Brigade.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at September 29, 2002 03:33 PM | TrackBack
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