October 01, 2002
Another Delusional Celebrity

Add Jessica Lange to the latest list of has-beens who believe their opinions actually matter. Any coincidence that all of these "Bush Haters" have found their voice again, right before the November elections? I don't think so. What a spewing little puke. Some choice quotes from the Scoop piece:

�I HATE BUSH. I despise him and his entire administration � not only because of its international policy, but also the national,� Lange told the audience, according to various reports coming from Spain.
�It makes me feel ashamed to come from the United States � it is humiliating.�

�Bush stole the elections and since then we have all been suffering the consequences,� Lange told the enthusiastic crowd.
Although Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg have recently spoken out in support of Bush�s proposed attack on Iraq, Lange joins a growing list of stars who have questioned or condemned it, including Barbra Streisand, Susan Sarandon and Alec Baldwin. Lange�s spokeswoman had no further comment.

Maybe she and Alex Balwin can find a nice little place in Germany for a permanent residence. And please take Barbra "I was a spelling bee champion" Streisand and Susan Sarandon with you. Adding Sarandon to the deportees saddens me, since I have always admired her as an actress. But I think bashing the President under some misconception that, just because you are an "entertainer" (and in Streisand's case we need to use the definition of entertainer very, very loosely), you have some special insight into what is "best" for America is laughable. Especially since NONE of these people either knows or cares what it is like to be an "average" American.

And note to Jessica: If you are embarrassed to be an American, I will happily help you pack and move to and get citizenship in whatever country you choose. By the way, that ashamed thing runs both ways. I also feel a deep sense of shame that you are an American.


Re-read Jessica's quote, and notice that she never actually identifies herself as an "American". She just says she is ashamed to be from the United States. Undoubtedly a deliberate choice of words, since all of the hoity-toity celebrities have always thought that is was more sophisticated to be European than American. Oh, and to be proud to be an American and have some sense of patriotism is just tres gauche. I guess her choice of words is appropriate, however, since I don't think there is any way someone would mistake Jessica and her ilk for Americans anyway.

Go here or ESPECIALLY here for nice lists of anti-American "entertainers".

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 01, 2002 10:48 AM | TrackBack

Some things never change, the "I don't get it and never will" entertainers are just pathetic. If they really believe the BS they spout, they should at least be smart enough to realize who pays their income. Pissing off the public that pays you would seem to be a no brainer. Enough of the "sensitive artist" crap. Tolerance for the badboy/girl rants "I hate everthing you belive in" is at an end. If they are so freaking smart let em figure out how to stay rich with no audience.

Posted by: Mark Edwards on October 1, 2002 01:05 PM

If you knew the US international policy you would also hate USA. If you don't agree what people all around the world are saying about US is because you are very stupid and have no idea what it's all about So before saying something go study the US international policy and you will find out the United States is not that great country and you'll be ashemed of yourself, unless you're unsensible, heartless, soulles and give's a shit to humanity.

Posted by: Lila on November 27, 2002 11:42 AM

Lila. Please learn to use punctuation. And who cares more about humanity? The USA, who regularly goes in and helps nations with direct actions, or Europe, who talks about helping, but sits on their ass?

Posted by: Victor on December 12, 2002 01:04 PM

We don't care what the rest of the world has to say about us. The childish European temper tantrums aimed at America have just become boring. "If you don't agree with the rest of the world it's because you're stupid blah blah blah." My! What a lucid and compelling case you present, Lila. Why don't you just go back to fine-tuning your chic European ennui and let the USA take care of its interests in spite of your Socialist, whiny blather? I don't know or care what country you're from, but I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be difficult to find a few skeletons in your national closet. (Unless you're Swiss. They're pretty cool; they just want to be left alone to make clocks and banks.) How much longer do you plan on making hypocrisy your single biggest export?

Posted by: Matt on December 29, 2002 09:27 PM

Lila, you are the best! Not only do you not know how to spell and you make up words, but you also make self-righteous statements as if somehow YOU are actually informed one iota about foreign affairs. Please, oh great enlightened one, tell us "what it's all about." Rather than let everyone know how "stupid" they are, I think it is encumbant upon you to educate the world about the truth and maybe we too will come to see things your way and hate the USA!

Posted by: I_Love_Lila on January 29, 2003 08:05 AM

Wow, your scalding commentary of Jessica Lange's criticisms of Bush has a lot of punch to it. She's not a "normal" citizen, perhaps (though I'd like to know what is); she certainly has some nerve. But your patriotism is misinformed; it's patriotic to dissent, to think critically about things, even more so when you have something to lose -- as someone in the public sphere, like Lange, does -- at a time when so few seem willing to do so.
But the dissenting spirit of the founding fathers doesn't really interest you, what you enjoy is bashing people. It helps mask your own ignorance, and insecurity about complex matters like politics that must result. But then, it's your website, you're entitled to bark as loud as you want at people you don't agree with. For now, at least. Best hope the Ashcroft regime starts pulling in the reins of Internet freedoms of expression. Enjoy your blissful ignorance while you can!

Posted by: Eric on January 31, 2003 05:46 PM

Actually, Eric, I have nothing at all against dissent. That's why I allow comments on my site. What I do have a problem with is celebrities that think they have some special insight into the current situation, and use the opportunity of being in front of a crowd to promote their latest book/movie/broadway play to lecture us on how the world should be. Read here comments and tell me where the actual dissent is. Read them and tell me where the well thought out, rationale criticism AND equally well thought out solutions are. Can't fing them? Not too surprising, since they aren't there.

Comparing Lange's temper tantrum and display of anti-Americanism (actually just anti-Bushism; I'm sure she wouldn't say anything if a democratic president was leading us to war) to our founding fathers is laughable at best, and moronic at worst. Do you see any comparison between:

"Give me liberty, or give me death" (Patrick Henry)


"It makes me ashamed to come from the United States, it is humiliating"

Sorry if I got a little too close to one of your favorite celebrities. But Jessica Lange is just another spoiled brat actress that thinks she can speak for the "Average American", and that we should all fall over at the beauty and wisdom of her words.

Someone in the discussion is certainly living in ignorant bliss (or tinfoil hat delusion), but I'm not so certain it is me.

Posted by: Neal on February 1, 2003 09:38 AM

I stumbled upon your site by doing a "google search" for the phrase "I hate Bush". I like it. The most refreashing thing is that all the Bush haters keep a pretty civil tongue. That's so rare on most discussion boards. Most Bush haters are very immature and uncouth. They constantly resort to name-calling and vulgarities. It's great to find a site that shows one can have more than three brain cells and still hate the President (with the exception of "Lila", whom I suspect isn't a real person at all - just a composite). I'm gonna bookmark this page and will come back often. I probably won't post much because I am shy.

Posted by: Sandy on February 4, 2003 12:53 PM


Come by as often as you like! Post as often (or as rarely) as you like. I like to think that I treat all of my commenters with respect, except for the obvious trolls who come by to start a war and then run away.

Posted by: Neal on February 4, 2003 04:51 PM

The washed up loser Susan, hold my boobs up, Sarondon should go live with Hussan. I will continue to bocott any Movie or product endorced by these anti-American.

Posted by: Jean on February 16, 2003 06:14 PM

Hey maybe if you don't agree that Jessica Lange has a right to her freedom of speech you should pack up and move to a brutal dictatorship. Then you and all your friends can be told what to think all day

Posted by: DUDE on April 5, 2003 02:23 PM

I don't care what these communist do.They are all Hanoi Jane wannabies who flatter themselves with the thought that entertainers are seemingly more important than the rest of us who help put them in the media spotlight.
Boycott them all,shame! how can they make such irresponsible comments.
While they have a right to voice their opinion, they are not fit to be called American by their treasonous posture.

Posted by: anti hollywood on April 8, 2003 07:55 PM
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