October 02, 2002
Saddam Apologists Speak

And they sound more traitorous than ever. They are over there appeasing Saddam as a public service to us? Baloney. I hope the home states of these bozos remember their words and actions when they are due for re-election. And how useful are these platitudes?

Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington and David Bonior of Michigan, both Vietnam War-era veterans, also said at a news conference that they felt obligated to inform Americans of the risks they faced by going to war with Iraq.

McDermott said he was stunned by "the extent to which the Iraqi people are ready to fight house-to-house." He asked whether the United States should "be taking on this country all by itself when the Arab world is now seething with recruits for Osama bin Laden."

This is fear-mongering, plain and simple. I think the comparisons to Lord Haw-Haw discussed below are exactly right. Sanctimonious assholes.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 02, 2002 04:00 PM | TrackBack
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