October 04, 2002
Only some speech is free....

So, pro-Palestinian protestors using violence to shut down Netanyahu is perfectly OK in Canada, but literature defending the right of Israel to exist can be confiscated as "hate speech"?

To be fair, a decision from the Canadian customs agency is still pending. But I wonder how many pro-Palestinian pamphlets they have felt the need to evaluate, and how many have been kept out of the country because of the hate speech statute quoted?

Let me see if I have it right: If it's anti-Israel, then it's an acceptable expression of free speech, even if violent action is involved. If it's pro-Israel , then it's possibly hate speech and needs to be banned? Now the pamphlet described certainly talks about Arafat, the PLO, and the history of the region in an unflattering light. But not in an UNTRUTHFUL unflattering light.

Sounds like our Canadian friends better spend a little less time worrying about the erosion of "our" civil liberties, and pay attention to what's happening in their own yard for a while.

And how is a pamphlet arguing the moral right of Israel to exist hate speech under any definition of the term? Unless you reach the only conclusion possible: any mention of an entity called Israel is hateful to Palestinians, and must be avoided.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 04, 2002 03:24 PM | TrackBack
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