October 16, 2002
More Democratic Shenanigans

This time, it has to do with the attempt to re-elect Paul Wellstone (D-Minn) to the Senate. Although to be fair, it's actually the Socialist Democrats who are attempting to take advantage of the fact that Minnesota allows same day registration. The plan is to bus lots of non-Minnesotans into the state, register them the day of the election, and try and insure that Wellstone gets re-elected.

Certainly the Democratic party, which was outraged at the defeat of Cynthia McKinney and the fact that a Republican cross-over played a part in that defeat (although let's not forget the J-E-W-S and the H-I-N-D-U-S), will be horrified to know that there is a plan afoot to bus non-residents into a state to try and influence the outcome of an election. Oh, wait, this kind of activity will help elect a Democrat, so nevermind.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 16, 2002 02:49 PM | TrackBack
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