October 23, 2002
News from Inside Iran

Go read this. And then ask yourself: what would the people of Iraq REALLY say if Saddam didn't control the media so tightly (and if there weren't people in the media willing to be shills for the Iraqi spin).

One of the best bits:

To us, the Islamic revolution has failed. The system, in its entirely, is the problem; no Band-Aid reform will fix it. Iran's 23-year-old theocracy is as incapable of granting freedom and human rights as was the Soviet Union. No politician associated with the Islamic Republic is acceptable to us. There are no reformers in the clerical government. Our real reformers are among the 600,000 languishing in prison, or the hundreds of candidates who are disqualified in each election for believing in human rights or secularism. Do not sell out our freedom because of Khatami's meaningless double talk and irrelevant rhetoric. He is simply a smiling face of an ugly regime.

Hey, maybe the left will now agree that Bush was justified in including a nuclear North Korea and Iran in his Axis of Evil. Of course, Iraq will only be included after a few thousand more people that the left actually cares about die in a terrorist attack. By using "cares about" I am of course excluding Kurds, Israelis, and "average" Americans who get murdered by terrorists acts. If we could just get Saddam to threaten a redwood grove in California or a spotted owl in Washington, I'm sure the left would let us include Iraq in the Axis.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 23, 2002 09:36 AM | TrackBack
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