October 25, 2002
Racial Profiling?

Jonah Goldberg wants to know if the Center for Hate and Extremism will modify or explain their analysis of the sniper:

"This person is kind of a wallpaper white male, a disenfranchised, disrespected man who's getting back at society."


"That's one of the reasons he's kept his distance from inner D.C., where he might lose his cover."

Jonah also notes that some "anti-gun" organizations seemed determined to heat up the rhetoric as much as possible:

Speaking of subcultures, various news organizations delved deeply into the sniper subculture, explaining how the mantra of "one shot, one kill" was increasingly popular among "ex-military" and "police" types. Much of this was egged on by Tom Diaz, an analyst with an antigun group called the Violence Policy Center. Mr. Diaz told the Chicago Tribune. "We do not yet know what specific firearm is being used." But "it is clear the gun industry stands ready to arm and train anyone with the fantasy of being a real live sniper."

Don't you know these "analysts" just hate the fact that the sniper turned out to be a black Muslim?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at October 25, 2002 12:30 PM | TrackBack
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