November 01, 2002
More MoveOnPAC Spam

Just got an "emergency" e-mail from the US Regime Change folks over at MoveOnPAC. Seems Mondale needs lots of moola to protect himself from the relentless Republican attack. Give whatever you can. Or not.


EMERGENCY: Please help Mondale preserve Wellstone's legacy.

Dear MoveOn members,

After Paul Wellstone's tragic death in a plane crash, his remaining family turned to Walter Mondale. Paul's sons asked Mondale to continue Paul's tradition in the Senate by running in his place. Wednesday night, Mondale was officially named the Democratic candidate in the Minnesota race.

Yesterday, the GOP went into full attack mode. The White House announced that Vice President Dick Cheney, First Lady Laura Bush and President Bush would make successive appearances in Minnesota, beginning today, for Wellstone's opponent Norm Coleman.

We've been talking with the Mondale campaign, and they're emotionally exhausted and besieged. Mondale has no staff, no media dollars, and no web site. GOP attacks keep coming, and the money keeps rolling in for Coleman -- the Republicans now see this as a winnable race.

Mondale and his volunteer staff are good people running under the most difficult of personal and political conditions. We've just got to help.

We've set up a way to give to the Mondale campaign through our web site. They need to raise at least one million dollars TODAY to counter the GOP onslaught. We're working to raise $100,000 of that by 8pm Eastern Time, so we can get a check to the campaign overnight. We'll deliver another check at 8 pm EST on Saturday.

Please give whatever you can to help at:

We're including three other candidates on this donation page who are
in races that are rapidly tightening. Chellie Pingree and Bill
Bradbury have been outspoken opponents of the Iraq war resolution and
all three would make excellent U.S. Senators. We talk to the
campaigns each and every day and every dollar counts. Please help
us win this one for Paul.

Thank you,

--Wes, Joan, Peter, Carrie, Eli, and Doug PAC
November 1st, 2002

P.S. If you wish to send a check directly to the campaign,
make out a check payable to Mondale for Senate and send
by overnight mail to:

2341 University Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55114-1626
Phone: 651-310-9831

Contributions are not tax deductible
This is a message from PAC.
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Posted by nukevet at November 01, 2002 07:10 PM | TrackBack
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