November 02, 2002
Riding Wellstone's Coattails

Mondale doesn't even bother to show up for a debate with the other contenders for the Minnesota Senate seat.

Is this because he feels he has things in the bag? Or is it because he has been out of politics for so long, there is no way he could be brought up to speed in time to look like he had a clue?

I'm guessing it is a bit of both.

Posted by nukevet at November 02, 2002 11:32 AM | TrackBack

I suspect more of the hopelessly out of touch aspect is in play here. Really, from a purely practical point of view, Mondale's position has got to be a nightmare. No staff, no recent positions to draw from, anything he says or does is going to cost him sympathy votes. The less he says, the better he does.

Posted by: puggs on November 3, 2002 12:07 PM

I think he just forgot what day of the week it was and decided to stay home and mumble to his invisible friends...

Posted by: Emperor Misha I on November 4, 2002 04:18 PM
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