Found this while I was over taking belts and shoelaces away from the guys at Bartcop (wait, I was supposed to be HANDING OUT belts and shoelaces? dammit!)
The 'demands":
I Demand that your company and your PACs stop giving money to the Republican Party.
Help me out here. Doesn't this sort of do away with the old 2 party system the NJ Supreme court was so interested in preserving for Lautenberg?
I Demand Universal Healthcare as a minimum for every US Citizen.
I don't know who is going to pay for it. I don't even really have any concept of what universal health care means, or how crippling it would be to the US economy to institute it. But I heard Hillary speak on it once, so I demand it, dammit.
I Demand a higher minimum wage of 10 dollars an hour.
I mean, why should people who finished high school, developed a skill or trade, or went to college be the only ones who can afford luxury items. Flipping burgers at Mickey-D's should still get you 20K a year.
I Demand a drug prescription benefit at no extra cost in Medicare.
And while you're at it, I demand that you force those mean old drug companies to do billions of dollars of research to find a cure for Everything Bad, but be sure they don't pass any of that cost on to me. Part of a Universal Health System should be free drugs for all.
I Demand that congress increase medical reimbursements to Doctors and HMOs to reverse backdoor Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts of increased HMO premiums and Doctor refusal of patients having Medicare.
I don't even know what this tortured sentence really means. Based on the general health care theme, it seems to be more of the "insure that those who put the least into our health care system get the highest standard of health care available, the same as those who put the most into our health care system".
I demand that congress tax a persons full income and remove the so called FICA limit on taxable income so that more money will go to the Social Security System and make the tax truly progressive.
In other words, rather than have the top 10% of the taxpaying citizens pay 46% of the taxes, I would like the top 10% pay 85-90% of the taxes. And then we could take it all away and spend it on really cool social programs.
I Demand a patients bill of rights including the right to sue an HMO.
But just be sure that those added legal fees don't do anything to affect the quality or quantity of patient care, and be damn sure that all that litigation doesn't increase the cost of health care by one thin dime. If there's not enough money to provide a universal health care system AND cover the legal fees and settlements, I further demand that you just print more money.
I Demand a universal voting system providing equal protection under the law for the United States.
Under this system, anything and everything would be allowed, as long as a Democrat wins whatever race is in question.
I Demand Federal legislation prohibiting states from using private companies processing voter rolls tied to a political party and police roadblocks from getting used as a voter suppression tool on election day.
Another tortured sentence, leading nowhere. However, if both Democrats and Republicans are prohibited from "processing voter rolls", that sounds cool. But I'm thinking the author of these demands means "Republicans" every time he/she types "a political party".
I Demand that the illegitimate pResident George W Bush and his vice pResident Dick Cheney resign from office for the fraudulent actions taken by them and their campaign in order to win the 2000 presidential election.
Hahhhahhhahaaaaahhaaaaaa. Whooo, boy. I guess, judging from the results of last night's elections, that most voters DON'T view GWB as an illegitimate president. Of course, that could be a mis-interpretation of the data. I suppose it's possible the GOP made such huge strides because voters were voicing their displeasure with the policies of the current administration.
I Demand a strong Federal Hate Crimes Law.
Realizing, of course, that only white people are capable of being racist or committing said "hate crimes".
I Demand the repeal of the 1996 Welfare Law and to pass a Federal Welfare Law without time limits that treats those indigent with dignity and respect.
What? There's still money in the US coffers? Well, let's see if a repeal of the 1996 Welfare Reform act, along with our universal health care and $10/hour minimum wage, and see if we can bring the Government and big business to its knees.
I have other demands that I will communicate to you in the future.
These demands will be made public once I receive them from the mother ship.
I will no longer do business with you until these demands get met by the US Congress and signed by the President.
Fine by me. In fact, why don't you hold your breath until the legitimate (and recently validated, I might add) President of the United States signs these "demands". Would having my 3 year old nephew sign them do as well? Perhaps I could interest you in a belt or some shoelaces while you are waiting.
Is there any DOUBT about why the elections last night turned out the way they did?
Posted by nukevet at November 06, 2002 03:28 PM | TrackBackI demand a minimum wage of $10 an hour? How do you intend to live on $20 a week? Cut my lawn, and wash my cars=2 hrs. weekly. Thats the list kiddo, thats all I would hire you to do.
Posted by: paul on November 7, 2002 12:08 PMI liked the "why don't you hold your breath until," part best. It's bad enough Bartcop has to indulge in fantasy masturbation online, but when he demands someone else supply the hand,....well. I see why he needs all those free drugs, must be a bear to pay for all that prosac, and ritilan.
Posted by: puggs on November 7, 2002 09:43 PMI don't know if you've noticed or not, but the distinct lack of negative feedback on this monkey's guestbook is due to the fact that every entry must be approved by him before it goes up. A veritable testament to the Diverse and Open-Minded nature of the Liberals Among Us, i.e., "WHEN WE WANT YOUR OPINION, WE'LL GIVE IT TO YOU(tm)"