November 08, 2002
More Democratic Underground Nonsense

WhooooHaaaaaa. Head over to the Democratic Underground (don't touch anything while you're there) and read their "Important Message".

Due to the unexpectedly high traffic to our website since election day, we are going to limit access to our message board. Only individuals who have donated to Democratic Underground during the last year will be given access. This is a temporary change which will only be in effect until our traffic returns to its pre-election levels, hopefully very soon.

This, of course, from the group that banned any "dissenting" posts to its message board prior to the mid-term elections. I guess they've limited message board access to "paying members" in order to keep from facing up to the reality of how untenable their position really is. That, and I'm sure they got tired of being made fun of.

Posted by nukevet at November 08, 2002 03:49 PM | TrackBack

I agree with you about their motivation. But for people who are supposed to reject materialistic "repug" values and take the high ground, this is awfully mercenary way to do it, don't you think? College age pundits full of piss and vinegar, tossing about insults and halfbaked opinions, can't let opposing views be posted? Might hurt their Fweewings, awww,....... poor litle guys, so sensitve. Cowards and fools, they shouldn't pick a fight if they don't have the stones to finish it.

I appreciate the warning about not touching anything. I did sort of wander around a bit, and I couldn't decide who they hate more. The republican party and it's members, or the American voter for rejecting their views. Either way, the good news is that as long as they continue to vilify and spew hate, intelligent people won't be listening. They get to stay in the wilderness.

Posted by: puggs on November 9, 2002 10:38 AM
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