November 09, 2002
Ever wonder where the word "Fisking" comes from?

You know, the term used to describe a rebuttal to a particularly idiotic and odious stance and position? Well, go read the latest by Fiskings namesake, and wonder no more.

Posted by nukevet at November 09, 2002 11:00 AM | TrackBack

He just has to stay true to form doesn't he? Fisk, being a pompous ass of the first order just can't bring himself to allow that the "brave muslim freedom fighters" he's so in love with are just murdering thugs. They fight no pitched battles with regular armies, they seek out and kill women and children. His memory of history is highly selective, he sites chapter and verse of western crimes, yet seems forgetful of muslim crimes.

In Fisk's world every soldier is a war criminal, in thought, if not in deed, and every terrorist is a victim of western aggression, merely fighting back. He's exactly what he sounds like, an ass kissing toadie in love with terrorist chic. There is no level of contempt low enough to classify him in.

When Bagdad is liberated, he should be seized and taken on a grand tour of Saddam's prisons. It should be taped, and he should have his nose rubbed in every bit of excrement he has tried to justify. Lead him through Saddam's "childrens prison", and demand he explain just exactly why He thinks muslim societies are so friggin enlightened. Then dump his ass in downtown Kabal, and distribute the tape.

Posted by: puggs on November 9, 2002 03:56 PM
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