November 09, 2002
Another "house negro" remark by the "tolerant" left

Not content with Belafonte's assault on Colin Powell, a White Florida DJ is now making similar comments about Condoleezza Rice. Wonder what would happen if a white conservative radio talk show host said similarly racist things about, say, Jesse Jackson. Would it get swept under the rug, or would the be a huge outcry (and yes, it's a rhetorical question). Apparently unable to respond to their resounding defeat in the mid-term elections with anything meaningful, the left has now decided to just call everyone names. It seems that only white conservatives can actually say anything racist: everything else is just political commentary.

From the "liberal" DJ's talk show:

Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart?" a song parody broadcast on Rogers' show says. "Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey's cars?"

Niger Innis, spokesperson the Congress on Racial Equality:

"Guys like Rogers and Belafonte are intellectually bankrupt," he said. "They have no ideas, or their ideas are outdated, they're archaic. And on the battlefield of ideas, they will lose. So the only thing they can do is throw stones and rhetorical, racist rhetoric."

Posted by nukevet at November 09, 2002 11:19 AM | TrackBack

More of the same tired old BS. Every "good" liberal just knows in his bones that every person of color has to be a democrat, and would be a traitor to his race if he wasn't. Only a dedicated lefty thinks a persons politics are determined by his or her color. And only a dedicated lefty can't see just how racist that is.

Posted by: puggs on November 9, 2002 04:03 PM

Dedicated lefties are dolts. I don't care what their IQ is or the degree they hold, anyone who claims to be a left-winger is an idiot!

Posted by: Brent on November 10, 2002 12:22 AM

This is the quality I most detest about this generation of my fellow Americans, conservative and liberal alike.


The inability to listen to any disagreement with their point of view.

The Clinton administration was frought with scandals behaviours on the part of the president and his staff..

The Bush administration is fraught with criminals, and robber-barons, who rap their greed in a fake cloak of patriotism while they score back door billion dollar deals.

The American Political system has been damaged by an out of control media that is neither too liberal nor too conservative, but rather too self serving, too cowtowing to wherever the power lies.

The system is may be unfixable...

I may be headed to Canada, rather than polishing my jackboots and marching along with our Nazi AG...

Lord Help us all

Posted by: on May 7, 2003 10:36 PM
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