Duh" />
Time to get a few more of those Predator drones in the air, if you ask me. I want al Qaeda nutjobs to be blown to Allah without warning just like those 6 guys in Yemen. I don't know if Bin Laden is still alive or not, but I do know there are still people out there that mean to finish what he started, regardless. Anyone still think appeasement sounds like a good idea?
Posted by nukevet at November 09, 2002 11:32 AM | TrackBack"In war the only sure defense is offense..."
General George S. Patton Jr.
"Jest send out your chief and surrender, it's worse if you fights or you runs, You can hide in your caves, they'll be only your graves, but you can't get away from the guns." Kipling, The Screw-Guns
Posted by: Lou Gots on November 10, 2002 06:06 PMMy favorite qoute from Patton, "Grab the enemy by the nose, and kick him in the ass". Americans work hard, play harder, and fight like Hell's own legions. There is no running away.
Posted by: puggs on November 11, 2002 10:23 AM