Go over to Blogs of War (previously Mostly Wasted) and read an exchange between an Air Force Cadet asking for assistance and a very far left Professor at St. Xavier University. Somehow the left has convinced itself that theirs is the path of reason and tolerance, and doesn't mind attacking anyone who disagrees. And this right around Veteran's day. Just to give you a bit of a taste of the professor's rabid rantings:
You are a disgrace to this country and I am furious you would even think I would support you and your aggressive baby killing tactics of collateral damage. Help you recruit. Who, top guns to reign death and destruction upon nonwhite peoples throughout the world? Are you serious sir? Resign your commission and serve your country with honour.
Someone in this exchange is certainly a disgrace to this country, but somehow I don't think it is the Air Force Cadet.
You can visit Professor Kirstein here. Or drop him an e-mail here.
Note the apology he was forced to write by the President of St. Xavier University. It is appended to a response by the head of the Air Force Academy Assembly. It is notable primarily for its lack of the words "I'm sorry", and I think the Air Force response was much more mature, circumspect, and honourable than anything offered forth by Kirstein. Who knew that baby killers could resolve issues any way other than by force?
Posted by Neal Mauldin at November 11, 2002 05:49 PM