November 13, 2002
Rename RNS? Or, a Trip to the (Hate)mail bin

It's not often that we get mail here at RNS (Unless you consider spam for natural penis enlargement mail, that is). We also don't really get any hate mail, unless you count the lady who called RNS a "hateful little site" because I said I was pro-choice in this post. So any activity in the RNS inbox is generally welcome, if for no other reason than to prove that my POP3 account is still working properly. Last night I got an e-mail from someone who is definitely not a fan of RNS, a guy named Leland Dulac (sent via an anonymous hotmail account, of course). Now, I can't do a Rachel. Style. Fisking. of this e-mail, since it is very short and contains nothing of substance. So instead, I will just supply you with the nasty little missive in its entirety:

What a shitty blog. The name sucks, you suck, your ideas are stupid, and your posts are stupid. You've only had 3,000 hits to this little shithole since you started it, and you think you have something important to say?

fuck you, asshole

Leland Dulac

My first response was one of shock and denial. My blog's name SUCKS? I mean, say what you want about me, but my blog has a stupid name? I couldn't believe that any human being would be so mean-spirited and depraved to make fun of the name Random Nuclear Strikes.

But, after thinking about it, I wondered if Leland might have a point. I mean, could my shortcomings in the stats department (and we will have our 3,500th unique visitor today, thank you very much) really be due to the name of my blog? Perhaps people are mistaking it for an official military site, and don't want to come here for fear that they will be exposed to top secret government stuff, possibly leading to a late night visit by one of the Liberal Assassination Squads running rampant across America since the regime change coup failed. Perhaps people are afraid that the site actually IS nuclear, leading to high dose radiation exposure through their monitors if they visit. Or, most likely in my opinion, perhaps people are afraid that they can actually LAUNCH nuclear strikes from this website, and don't want to be responsible for starting WWIII. So, perhaps the name is to blame, after all. And, it certainly would be nice to have Glenn Harlan Reynolds type stats once the stigma of the old name was removed, right? Right.

So with some fear and trepidation, I started on a search for a new "stat-busting" name. At first I thought a friendly, inviting name would be best. Unfortunately, Happy Fun Pundit was already taken, so I had to look harder. Other "happy fun" names just didn't do it for me. Consideration of names like

the Content Bunnyhole
Chickenhawk Group Hug
Happy Wholesome Joyfulness Blog

almost made me puke on my keyboard (been there, done that - it smells bad for weeks, and the keys get all sticky). So, due to my sensitive constitution and inability to stomach syrupy names, this naming strategy was abandoned.

Then I thought I should just go for a purely factual descriptive title. One look at

Academic Veterinarian's Worldview

cured me of that nonsense. More likely to cost me readers than bring in droves of new ones.

My next strategy was to use a little deviousness and subterfuge. Perhaps I could lure a non-target audience here to bolster my seemingly inadequate visit numbers. Sort of the old "bait and switch" tactic used by porno sites. You know, where a seemingly innocuous URL is hijacked and re-directed to a porn site. Since porn is the most lucrative business on the net, surely I could lure lots of people here if I picked a pornographic sounding name for my blog. Sure, they would all leave once they found out that there was no actual porn on my site. But not before I recorded them as a unique visitor. This idea really seemed to have a lot of promise, and I came up with several possibilities:

Poontang Blog
Lesbian Sex Blog
Big Dildo Blog
Vibrator Fun Blog
Latex Sex Blog
Whips n Chains Blog

However, none of these really hinted at my "pro-war" stance, so I figured I needed to be a bit more clever in my naming. That lead to:

Poontang WarBlog
Lesbian Sex WarBlog
Big Dildo WarBlog
Vibrator Fun WarBlog
Latex Sex WarBlog
Whips n Chains WarBlog

Eh, maybe not as clever as I thought. My final ploy was to try and create a blog name that used my extensive expertise of medical vocabulary AND a war alliteration to try and draw in the masses. Not quite ready to give up on the porn idea, I decided that the medical vocabulary used should be associated with sex in some way. My first effort

The Clitoris of War

seemed promising, but not just quite right. Would everyone know what a clitoris was? Did RNS want to use the slang of clitoris, which is seen as a fairly vulgar word? In the end, we decided that this just wasn't the right anatomical reference to describe our efforts at RNS. Our next 2 attempts at naming

Scrotum of War
Mars' Prostate

were similarly flawed, and vaguely disturbing. Then it hit me, the perfect combination of sex, easy to understand anatomical reference, and allusion to my pro-war stance:

Tits of War

Yep, that was it. the perfect new name for RNS. Everyone loves tits, so who knows how many extra hits I would get just from that? And Tits of War sounds a little bit scary but tantalizes none the less. Imagine, then, my dismay to learn that someone else in the Blogosphere has laid claim to the title Tits of War in a way that I could never hope to compete with. And more than once, too. With a sense of hopelessness and despair, I continued to randomly scroll through the posts on Michele's blog. She owed me, dammit. She took my blog title, evil, bloodthirsty, breast having, warblogging trollop that she is, and she was damn sure going to offer up an alternative. And then I found it. Nestled away in an inconspicuous little post, almost a throwaway post dealing with the routine humdrum activities associated with working for a living. I just have 1 question. Do you think my new blog title of

The Cunnilingus Fairy

will be too high brow for most of my readership?

Oh, and I almost forgot. Leland, you can kiss my butt, you puling coward. Grow a pair and leave your comments where they can be evaluated by all, or shut the fuck up.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at November 13, 2002 12:01 PM

I like the current name fine, thankyouverymuch, although I DO admit that your suggestion has potential, in an odd, slightly disturbing, pr0n-addict-luring sort of way...

Posted by: Emperor Misha I on November 13, 2002 01:37 PM

Exactly! That's the group I'm trying to attract. At least they won't be as creepy as that liberal from Berkeley that was hanging around for a while......

Posted by: Neal on November 13, 2002 01:51 PM

Damn it at, thats great, any post thats got the word cunnilingus in it makes me sit bolt upright in my chair.....No,.. wait, that sounded bad didn't it.........Start over I think.

Great job Neal, that was a really inspired post. And considering my background in the USAF, I feel right at home here. Mushroom clouds are at least as much a statement of attitude as the Emporer's noble canine logo. Like yourself I have contempt for sugary and sweet "come give us a hug" images and names. Fine for children and sensitive souls, but where does Leland get off telling you that your chosen name is bad? With a name like Dulac you'd expect that drip to refrain from throwing stones...........................I wonder if he got a cape and decoder ring to go with that name?

Posted by: puggs on November 13, 2002 06:18 PM

I think the name is just fine too. Now if you had called it Random Nucular Strikes, THEN it'd be a stupid name. Xlent blog.

Posted by: Marc on November 14, 2002 12:47 PM

That is one of the best titles I've ever seen. Second only to "Tits of War", and a wonderfully effective means for attracting traffic. Now if we can just get Google to put you at the top of the listings, rather than Michele.

(Not that Michele should be dropped.)

Posted by: Keith on November 14, 2002 12:49 PM

Your comments are almost unreadable. But the article is freaking hilarious.

Posted by: Fred Jenson on November 14, 2002 12:49 PM


Do you mean that most of my in general my comments are unreadable (as in most of what I post is crap), or that the comments box that opens for actual comments is unreadable? Either is OK, but 1 other frequenter of RNS has had trouble reading the comments section. Anyone have any ideas on comment formatting in MT? I should go look at those templates, I guess.

Posted by: Neal on November 14, 2002 01:02 PM

"evil, bloodthirsty, breast having, warblogging trollop"

I hope they can fit that all on my nameplate.

You love me, it shows.

Posted by: tits of war on November 14, 2002 01:17 PM

I'm just here for the tits. Where are they? LOL

Posted by: Gary O'Brien on November 14, 2002 01:43 PM

Well, sure. Who wouldn't be in love with the Tits of War? The fact that I've actually seen said instruments of destruction just makes the allure all the greater.

Posted by: Neal on November 14, 2002 01:59 PM

Gives new meaning to Weapons of Mass Destruction, eh?

Posted by: michele on November 14, 2002 02:23 PM

I just googled in looking for random nuclear cunnilingus. Am I in the right place?

Posted by: Kilgore Trout on November 14, 2002 02:53 PM

Ooooooooh. Random Nuclear Cunnilingus. I can work with that. Imagine what my banner photo is going to have to look like. Time to break out photoshop.

Posted by: Neal on November 14, 2002 03:05 PM

For what it's worth, I've never heard of Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
I like the old name, nothing wrong with it.
So you started in september of this year and have recieved 3000 uniques? I've been up since february and am nowhere near that number. I think it's because people mistake me for a LeftieLib.
Anyhoo, good blog. Think I'll Roll it.

Posted by: Sylvain on November 14, 2002 04:22 PM

RNS is just fine as a name. Leland needs to go back to his hole at the Democratic Underground and change his diaper.

However, I really do like your idea "Clitoris of War" and may use that once I get my blog up and running. "Scrotum of War" was my second choice (just imagine what ol' Leland would deposit in his diapey if he read either of those?!).

Posted by: Rick on November 14, 2002 05:22 PM

LOL! That is hilarious. 3500 unique visitors isn't bad. It took me 6 months to get 10,000 visits total. I have no idea how many unique visits since Sitemeter's free service doesn't provide that information.

Posted by: Lynn on November 14, 2002 06:15 PM

Oops. I almost forgot... I was going to say that I never get hate mail so you're already ahead of me. :-)

Posted by: Lynn on November 14, 2002 06:18 PM

Just for the hell of it, I did a google search on "Leland Dulac". Very interesting, in a very wrong way.

Posted by: Nick on November 14, 2002 06:33 PM

Hey! I get royalties if you use clitoris of war. I don't think that Michele has laid claim to that title as well. Scrotum of War you can use for free!

Posted by: Neal on November 14, 2002 06:33 PM

I just sort of figured that Leland Dulac was a made-up name. If not, that could certainly explain where a lot of the animosity comes from.

Posted by: Neal on November 14, 2002 06:37 PM

The Cunnilingus Fairy is going to have to be a daily stop for me. Whew! What better way to start your day, than a cup of coffee and a visit from TCF?

Posted by: Jessica on November 14, 2002 07:37 PM

Yeah, but is the Cunnilingus Fairy going to visit US? That's the critical reason to keep (ahem) coming back.

Posted by: Inquiring female mind on November 14, 2002 10:40 PM

Hmmmmmm, what started out as a joke may now need serious consideration. The Cunnulingus Fairy has generated more daily (and unique) hits than anything I ever did before. And way more comments than ever before.

I believe the way Michele recommended that you encourage the Cunnilingus Fairy to visit is to put your panites under the pillow at night.

Posted by: Neal on November 15, 2002 08:45 AM

There's a band here in Toronto called 'Rocket Tits'. How about that?

Posted by: Andrew Edwards on November 15, 2002 09:50 AM

Yes, put your panties under the pillow. But to increase the chances that the CF will come, make sure you trim and wash. The CF hates hairballs.

Posted by: michele on November 15, 2002 01:04 PM

Oh no no no...You can't use Tits of war because in Africa they'd the tits them off, in most dictatorships they wouldn't know what tits was, in America they'd censor the Tits comment for being "anti-woman" altho' men would flock to you sight...and,

Lastly, you can't use Tits of War because that is what the entire male-dominated Middle Eastern arab states call Condoleeza Rice.

(No one in the Use objects to that unless they don't give respect and salute Condi's resume)

You see, you are just asking for trouble, I tell ya!

Posted by: judy on November 16, 2002 03:41 PM
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