November 13, 2002
Maybe Bush isn't so stupid after all, eh?

'nuff said.

I wonder how the UN feels right about now? Bush's sabre rattling may have produced, in a little over a year, a result that the UN couldn't deliver in 10 years (and 17 resolutions later). But no, no irrelevancy here.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at November 13, 2002 01:49 PM

This is where it gets real, we get to find out if the people who loudly wail at the president's supposed lack of intelligence finally face the truth. Or wether they will continue to live in their comfortable little fantasy.

I vote that the delusion continues, to do otherwise would require strength of character and an open mind. Something terribly lacking in the hardcore left. Now it's possible they may surprise us and actually re-evaluate their opinion of Mr. Bush,.............It's also possible that Phil Donahue will join Bill Moyers in a national apology for years pompous stupidity, and just about as likely.

Posted by: puggs on November 13, 2002 05:50 PM

Maybe you should hold off on your pronouncement that Bush isn't stupid until we see the results of his "pre-emptive strike."

I for one never thought Bush was stupid. Just conditioned by his upbringing to believe that America, Inc. knows what's best for the rest of the world.

Posted by: Smartass on February 5, 2003 03:24 PM
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