November 15, 2002
Even Bulgarian Children

Are amused (in a contemptuous sort of way) by the "intelligent" left. It's interesting to see how the American left, which is rapidly migrating toward the "Utopia" of socialism, is viewed by people who actually lived through this (and other) utopian forms of government. Go see some example at Sofia Sideshow, a Bulgarian based blog.

Link via Instapundit

Posted by nukevet at November 15, 2002 04:01 PM

The clueless man dreamily thinking of the imagined virtues of the peoples utopia that was swept away.......I know this word isn't generally associated with the left, but "rube" comes to mind. His mind is so hopelessly closed to the information around him. Like the backwoods guy who wins the lottery, he dreams of really big house trailers, and a pickup thats only 5 years old instead of ten. Limited in his outlook to say the least.

Posted by: puggs on November 16, 2002 01:07 PM
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