November 18, 2002
How stupid can you get

So, a group of 50 anti-war ladies decide to strip and spell the word "PEACE" to show their solidarity with Iraq. One wonders if they even thought about the horrible oppression that women under this regime are exposed to daily. Or the fact that they would be killed for such a display under Sharia law. But no, somehow they feel that getting naked, lying in a field, and spelling a word is a powerful satement to make to the world. SHow your tits in Kabul, end up dead. But we're right there with ya, Saddam. We gotta make the evil Bush administration understand what a horrible choice war is. Just read the "statement" that accompanies the photo:

MAKING THEIR BODIES FIGURES OF SPEECH � West Marin women are serious enough about PEACE to spell it out. Wearing nothing but afternoon rain, 50 determined women lay down on Love Field near the Green Bridge Tuesday afternoon to literally embody PEACE and "show solidarity with the people of Iraq," said the organizers. "Women from all ages and walks of life took off their clothes, not because they are exhibitionists but because they felt it was imperative to do so," the organizers added. "They wanted to unveil the truth about the horrors of war, to commune in their nudity with the vulnerability of Iraqi innocents, and to shock a seemingly indifferent Bush Administration into paying attention." The coordinators, who came up with the idea only a day earlier, said that the coming together of this group on short notice was a testament to the seriousness with which the women view the threat of war with Iraq. "Remembering that tens of thousands of civilians have already died in Iraq as a result of US bombing and sanctions, these women are not convinced by Bush Administration fear mongering that one more person should die," organizers said. They hope the president and news media take notice.

I like the bit about stripping not because they are exhibitionists, but because they felt it was "imperative" to do so. What pure, unadulterated garbage. I do see their point about it demonstrating the horrors of war, however. Seeing all of those anti-war ladies strewn about naked in the field was pretty horrible, no doubt. And while they aren't convinced by "Bush fear mongering" that one more person should die, they have no problems if Saddam continues to kill them off by the thousands. Notice how Saddam is NEVER blamed for any of the sanctions imposed on Iraq? But I digress.

Fortunately, A Small Victory has an answer to the madness. Go see the proof.

Posted by nukevet at November 18, 2002 03:32 PM

If someone made this up as parody, no one would believe it. How exactly nudity counts as political speech is not explained. They claim this shows their commitment, well hell, why stop short,,,,,,OK ladies, it's for peace,...blowjobs all around. Come on,.....You want world peace don't you?

It would make about as much sense, and lots more converts. They should have thought about this for more than a day, before they did it. That they think it actually matters, speaks volumes about their lack of collective brain power.

Posted by: puggs on November 19, 2002 12:03 AM

Notice that this came from Marin, CA, that empty-headed mass of unthinking, feel-good cultural leftyism that gave us John Walker-Lindh.

Being from Berkeley (which is just as bad, but in a different, more violent, posturing-college radical sort of way), I am just across the bay from Marin and am well-acquainted with the kinds of sentiments held by most of the residents... i mean these are walking, talking stereotypes of the worst notions of soft-skulled rich liberals completely out of touch with the world in general.

Posted by: Russell on November 19, 2002 01:24 AM

The point of the women, assholes, was to get attention. To make a statement for peace--instead of 100,000s of dead innocent Iraqis and US soliders to line the pockets of Bush War and Oil Inc...just your dismissiveness, lack of insight, put downs, etc shows your IQ which matches your dick size---both less than 6 I'm sure. Screw your rednecks warmongering freaks.

Posted by: Suzanne on January 18, 2003 08:19 PM

The point of the women, assholes, was to get attention to spare innocent live 100,000s of dead innocent Iraqis and US soliders just to line the pockets of Bush War and Oil Inc. They arre not "for" "Saddam." Your dismissiveness, lack of insight, put downs, etc shows your <4 IQ and dick size. Screw you redneck warmongering freaks.

Posted by: Suzanne on January 18, 2003 08:22 PM
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