November 18, 2002
How does this make you feel?

Looks like the latest Osama tape is original. How does that make you feel.

Word is that the Marin County Women are planning a new naked sign saying

"Please Don't Hurt Us"

Posted by nukevet at November 18, 2002 03:59 PM

The hunt continues. We were still looking for him before this tape was released, and we won't stop till we get his mangled corpse. It's a wash, the tape means nothing. If Binny is so robust and dashing a figure to his followers, why not make a video? Afraid the scars might show, or maybe a missing limb?

Posted by: puggs on November 19, 2002 12:10 AM

I don't believe it. I am convinced that this is misinformation from the gov't, and they know he's dead but want the people making these tapes to think WE think he's alive. Does that make sense? I just do not believe bin Laden is alive. I'll believe it when I see his ugly mug holding up a New York Times with the date clearly visible.

At the very least, I agree with what Puggs said. Bin Laden is probably horribly maimed or something, which would be a delight to see. Heh.

Posted by: Rachel on November 19, 2002 01:22 AM

I think the second season of the series Osama's Been Laden! lacks whatever attracted people to watch it in the first place. I see a cancellation by Christmas, and I don't think it will even make it to syndication.

Posted by: Andrea Harris on November 20, 2002 01:02 PM
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