Well, that may be a bit of a stretch. But there is at least another Blogging Neal out there, in the wilds of Northwest Canada.
I love the title quote.
Posted by nukevet at November 19, 2002 09:18 AMThanks for the props as I try and claw my way out of obscurity. "Northwest Canada" - that's funny. My only comments are that Alaskan's don't talk funny (well they do, just without the weird thing Canadians do with the letter 'o') and there is a not-insignificant segment of the population that doesn't even want to be associated with the United States, much less Canada. Libertarians up here make the 'lower 48' kind look like pansies.
Posted by: Neal on November 19, 2002 01:35 PMHehe I was wondering if someone else would catch on to the Alsaka/Canada thang.
Anything north of "the border" must be Canada, eh?
Posted by: Neal on November 19, 2002 01:55 PMSomeone else better jump in here or without closer inspection it would appear as if one of us is having a conversation with himself. And that would be lame. Hence any further comments here by myself be under the pseudonym 'Zippy, the Pinhead.'
Posted by: Neal on November 19, 2002 02:10 PMActually, me having a conversation with myself on this blog is not that unusual. I doubt if my repeat readers would notice anything out of the ordinary.
Posted by: Neal on November 19, 2002 03:17 PMI usually give my voices different names to help myself keeping track of the conversation.
Posted by: Emperor Misha I on November 20, 2002 11:26 AM