Yet another example of a left leaning "celebrity" losing it and being really, really nasty. I sort of left this story alone, but thought that this article out of St. Paul was interesting because public radio found itself having to go on the defensive because of Keillor's comments.
And notice how nasty and personal Keillor's remarks are - and then notice how, rather than provide any substance for his eviscerating attack on Coleman, he chooses to simply reply "no comment". Keillor appears to be just as big a coward as the anonymous trolls who crop up in message boards, spew vile filth, and then run away.
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at November 19, 2002 12:29 PMIf Keillor wants to slander someone, then step back behind the curtain, well then, it's gotta be a hell of a surprise to him when he reaps the whirlwind. The gloves are off, it was all well and good when he was just a goofy excentric, now he shows himself to be the worst kind of partisan hack. I never enjoyed his work, had barely the slightest notion of his opinions, his little utopian Lake Woebegone stuff was pure delusional fantasy. Such a place has never existed, least of all because anyone shared Keillor's politics. All places have their dark side, Woebegone's is the unspoken assumption that everyone thinks just like him, everyone knows the right answers to every question. There is no discord, no trauma that can't be hugged and kissed away. Such a place can only exist in Keillor's conformist fantasy. If I had the power to enter a fictional world, I'd go to Lake Woebegone for a day just so I could piss on Keillor's front door. Make a moral lesson out of that Garri.
A little long, sorry, but I hate conformity. Not of action, but of thought. I really don't trust anyone who lays claim to dreaming of a perfect place. It makes me wonder just how far they'll go to keep it perfect. History is filled with the screams of those who've paid the price for someone else's perfect place.
Posted by: puggs on November 19, 2002 04:04 PM