November 19, 2002
You're Welcome, Aimal Kasi

So, the Pakistani man convicted of murdering 2 CIA agents in 1993 had a huge "meet the virgins" party back in Pakistan. Lots of people yelling and screaming about the US carrying out an execution after pursuing this murderer through the courts, and giving him the full benefits of due process. Since the guy wanted to be a martyr, and is now in the land of the dancing seedless raisens, it seems like everyone should be happy with the outcome. But noooooooo, it's all about the Great Satan America. How dare we kill a convicted mass murderer who just happens to be a Muslim? What a crock. Islamic fanatics want to be able to kill Americans anywhere, any time, for any reason. But if America kills a Muslim, no matter what the reason or the legal remedies pursued, it is a crime against Islam and an issue to "unite the Muslims against America". Now I realize that the fanatics in Islam are the ones making these asinine statements. But the fanatics are who we have to deal with. Not convinced? Then how about this quote from an ELECTED official:

"May his soul be blessed and his family have patience," said Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a lawmaker from a hardline Islamic bloc that came in third in Oct. 10 elections. "May those who handed him over (to the Americans) be destroyed."

Notice you just need to add an "n" to Aimal to get aNimal? Seems appropriate.

Posted by nukevet at November 19, 2002 01:03 PM
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