November 22, 2002
These are rational people?

Reading about the violence associated with the Miss World Pageant is sickening. More accurately, the violence is due to an editorial that went so far as to suggest that the Prophet Mohammed might actually enjoy such a pageant. "True believers" took umbrage at this, and took the opportunity to murder a few innocent bystanders who they thought were Christians, burn a few chrurches, and yell and scream about blasphemy. Now the Christians, upset at the bloodshed, have retaliated.

And what were the horrible words written by Isioma Daniel, the author of the blasphemous article?

"What would Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would probably have chosen a wife from among them."

Strong stuff, there. One can certainly understand why these young Muslim men would be upset enough to start torching Christians. Incidentally, the author of the offending editorial is not Christian, he is Muslim. Once again we see the Religion of Peace on display for what it actually is - a religion of intolerance and hatred for anyone who has different beliefs than they do.

I have tried to stay away from the whole "Religion of Peace" debate. But how many atrocities in the name of Islam have to be committed before the truth sinks in? For me, this is it. The fact that Muslims are using a freaking beauty pageant to justify killing innocent bystanders is the absolute end. Yeah, there are extremists in other religions as well. But we don't read about militant Christians or Buddhists or Hindus running around blowing up innocent civilians on an almost daily basis. The question isn't "why do they hate us", but "why do they hate everybody".

BTW, the answer to "why do they hate us" is easy. They hate us because we are not them. Want the war of terrorism to be over tomorrow? That's easy, just get everyone in the world to convert to Islam. Otherwise, get used to the fact that crazy assholes are going to be blowing up nightclubs and schoolbuses and churches.


Eric Olsen does a much better job with this topic than I. Link via A Small Victory, which has a bitchin' new template.

Posted by nukevet at November 22, 2002 03:06 PM

I respect people of faith, and spiritual institutions like the Vatican. That said, I have to say that islam in it's current form is less a religion, than an angry mob, with it's cleric's filling the role of agitaters and enablers. Whip them into a frenzy, then turn em loose, "hey not my fault, they wouldn't do this if they weren't insulted". Be a muslim, give up any ideas you may have about personal responsibility, like nazi's, they never lack for scapegoats.

Posted by: puggs on November 23, 2002 10:14 AM

Your comments about the journalist are wrong. Where do you get your information?

Isioma Daniel is (a) female, and (b) Christian.

I suggest you check your facts before creating your own from assumptions, just to support your views.

Posted by: Rocky on November 26, 2002 04:03 AM
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