Here's an op-ed over on MSNBC that addresses the Nigeria riots. It seems about right to me. From the article:
Whether the newspaper comments were irresponsible or not, we should not accept the notion that anything said in a newspaper is sufficient to spark uncontrolled killing or that the writer should be threatened with death. If no one dares assert the right of a free press in Muslim countries, then that is a sad and worrisome indictment of Islam as a repressive and undemocratic belief system.
Even those in Nigeria who deal with issues of sectarian violence seem oblivious to democratic principles of free speech and a free press. The Imam Nurayn Mohammed Ashafa, who is co-chair of the Interfaith Mediation Committee in Nigeria told Reuters that he supported the attack on the offices of the newspaper.
Most of the world�s major religions have a bloody past. Thankfully, they have for the most part stopped acting as if they were still in the Middle Ages. Islam, unfortunately, has not.
We are constantly being asked to accept Islam as a "Religion of Peace". It might be easier if there weren't so many very visible and bloody events suggesting just the opposite. Here's a follow-up article on the Fatwa issued against Isioma Daniel. This article says that Daniel's religion is not known, and those issuing the Fatwa against her are not certain, either:
Dangaladima told The Associated Press. �If she (Daniel) is Muslim, she has no option except to die. But if she is a non-Muslim, the only way out for her is to convert to Islam.�
And that pretty much sums things up, doesn't it?
Posted by nukevet at November 27, 2002 12:50 PM