December 02, 2002
Appease Saddam?

I wrote a while back about the consequences of sitting idly by while Saddam strengthens his arsenal.

If you weren't familiar with my reference to Halabja, then perhaps you should go visit this graphic site (be warned, there are some disturbing scenes here). And then let me know if you still want to let Saddam continue his activities unabated.

Link via A Small Victory

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at December 02, 2002 06:40 PM

Ahh, yes. The old "Saddam is a madman who gasses his own people when he gets bored of the myriad other human-rights violations he commits on a daily basis" argument. A right-thinking man would think that the leftyloons would set aside their fear of annihilation at the hands of mighty Saddam and put the plight of others ahead of their own self-serving interests for just a moment and take this sick fuck out. But that man would be wrong. For all the bitching about human-rights that the leftyloons do, now we have a chance to make it better for some people and they don't wanna do it, because "All you want is the OOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLL!" or "You just want to take over some land" or whatever. If these leftyloons were honest (hardee-fuckin-har!) they would be the first and loudest saying "Take 'im down! Save those poor people!" Alas, it isn't so...

Posted by: Crazy Pat on December 3, 2002 02:02 AM
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