December 04, 2002
Thank you, Tom Ridge

For keeping me safe from terrorists, that is. I work at an institution that does some BL-3 work, and has a large microbiology center. So, we were not surprised when post 9-11 changes were made to keep the building more secure. Things like swipe cards for access to the building, restricted zones for students, security controlled elevators, etc. These changes were made over the past several months, and everyone has pretty much accepted them with minimal grumbling.

A couple of weeks ago, however, I came to work to notice that a large bush that had been growing outside of my window had literally been ripped out of the ground. I was a little surprised, since the bush was healthy and seemed to be thriving. Then I thought that perhaps there was a new landscaper caring for the grounds, and that a new shrubbery would soon appear. Sadly, this was not to be. I finally discovered the horrible truth about my missing bush during a construction meeting for another project. We were talking about preserving green space around a new addition to the existing building, and one of the architects made the comment that we needed to be sure and pick "terrorist-free" shrubberies. At first I thought he was kidding. Until, that is, I was informed in all seriousness that no plant that provided a hiding place for terrorists while they tried to gain access to the building would be tolerated. With a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, I then asked about my missing bush and was told that yes, it had been determined that the bush was tall and dense enough to allow a terrorist to hide in it while accessing the building through my office window.

Now, I'm not sure where these rules came from - whether they are university mandated or federally mandated. I have, however, decided to memorialize my murdered shrubbery as a victim of homeland security. Below is a photo of the horrible sight that greeted me on that fateful day. Donations in its memory made be made directly to this site. The wake will be held at Boudreaux's drive through daquiri and fried food joint, over on Lee drive in Baton Rouge.

In Memorium

The Nukevet Shrub
A Victim of Homeland Security
Will the Civil Rights Abuses Never End?

However, a closer look at this picture of the shrub taken BEFORE the massacre (no, really), shows that removing it might not have been such a bad idea after all:

Hmmmmm, makes ya think, don't it?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at December 04, 2002 11:20 AM

I largely have refrained from commenting on the homeland security issue. I'm undecided as to wether it's a workable idea, or just symbolic PR for the homefront. There is no way to secure everthing, too many place, too many people. Still, we have to take some basic actions. I don't subscribe to Professor Reynolds views on this, but I keep watching. I'm open to new ideas.

Posted by: puggs on December 4, 2002 11:34 AM

Yep, I agree 100%. I too am worried about how "workable" this thing is, but also acknowledge that we need to take at least some BASIC precautions.

Only time will tell, for better or worse.

Still didn't like them killing my shrubbery, though.

Posted by: Neal on December 4, 2002 11:49 AM

Martyred for Homeland Security!

Shrubbery, we hardly knew ye!

(You might want to contact the Knights Who Say 'Ni!')

Posted by: Emperor Misha I on December 5, 2002 11:29 AM
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