December 16, 2002
More secular Christmas nonsense

Once again, we need to be sure that everyone's sensibilities are protected. Except, apparently, for those of Christians who actually celebrate Christ's Mass as a spiritual event, rather than a material orgy of gift giving and over-indulgence.

This behavior just makes me crazy, and I'm a freaking atheist. But, even though I don't believe that a supreme being created the physical universe, I would NEVER try and interfere with someone's right to peacefully follow their faith. Let's remove all semblance of religion from the Christmas holidays, because non-Christians will possibly feel excluded. How about this as a plan: If you aren't Christian, then you don't get to be upset about a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. If you want to join in the holiday pageantry, great! You bring the little Christmas tree shaped cookies for the office Christmas party. But if you don't want to participate, then keep your damn hands off of my holiday celebrations.

At some point, this freaking PC bullshit has to end.


Posted by Neal Mauldin at December 16, 2002 12:31 PM

Being a practitioner of Norse Paganism (yes, a witch, Asatruar to be concise.......) I feel absolutely NO threat by Christians celebrating their faith in any way they choose. I don't even care that I personally believe it to be inaccurate. I was also not offended by all the "God Bless America" sentiments permeating the country after 9/11. In fact, I was comforted in knowing that people were finding a way to ease their grief. It's rather funny, my Christian neighbor won't even acknowledge me for wearing my faith on my sleeve so to speak, but we have nearly the same genre of decorations! I am planning a nice stocking filled with goodies for her in spite of it all. Until they start hanging my ancestors and peers again, I will have no hang ups.

Posted by: SondraK on December 16, 2002 01:24 PM

That's exactly the point, isn't it. Religion should be about tolerance and understanding. And it's not that I have anything against anyone who practices any religion (unless they try to convert me or kill me for not believing what they believe, that is), it's just I haven't found it within myself to have the faith necessary to believe. Sometimes I wish I could, but it just isn't a part of my make-up. Although I must admit that I never explored Norse Paganism as an alternative to my Methodist roots.

Posted by: Neal on December 16, 2002 02:54 PM

Neal, it's all pretty much metaphors anyway, I just like the Norse ones better:). The Norse Paganism came about for me because of my struggles with being a "Hawk" Pagan...........I couldn't deal with the weenie Wiccan Reede. Call me a born again Pagan for real:)

Posted by: SondraK on December 16, 2002 06:09 PM

I know we've disagreed about religion before Neal, but we share common ground here on this. I'm a christian in the sense that I belief in the classic "liberal" christianity. Judge not, lest ye be judged, a "Golden Rule" believer. I'm not threatened by SondraK, or by anyone else's beliefs. I also do not belong to any organized religion, conformity to authority on social or moral issues is repugnant to me.

I think they should just throw open the doors, and let everyone follow their own path. The PC enforcers need to get a life. If someone is that offended by seeing someone else practice their faith, then the social interaction of day to day life must really suck for them. Can't make it through the day without being offended by somebody, sick a lawyer on em, oh please. I'm with you guys on this.

An Atheist, a born again Pagan, a nonconfromist Christian, all in general agreement, is this a great country or what?

Posted by: puggs on December 17, 2002 01:22 AM

Nobody gave me any presents on Eid Fitr. I feel so... so... so excluded!

Posted by: Fred on December 17, 2002 07:52 PM

I enjoy christmas is just for the simple fact that almost no one these days realizes whose birthday they are actually celebrating.
I also enjoy the overflowing irony.
Here's one: If Jesus were alive today, would he appreciate christmas?

"Very nice everyone, but I was born in september. And I'm a jew. But I appreciate the sentiment."

And christmas trees-the original idea was to revere trees, not destroy them.
Dec 24
"Oooh, such a pretty tree!"
Feb 4
"Tommy! Get that damn tree out to the trash already!"
A Good Thing about christmas trees--one could almost say christmas makes us all tree-huggers for a while.
You know, put a tree in your living room for the season, then go back to hating trees and those who hug them come January.
Seen the White House x-mas decs?
Goerge wasn't kidding about slimming down the forests!

Posted by: Sylvain on December 18, 2002 04:04 AM

I don't HATE tree-huggers, I just think it's fun shooting my .45 at 'em.

Posted by: Emperor Misha I on December 18, 2002 10:35 AM


Maybe I missed something here, but how exactly does celebrating Christmas translate into a political position. Anyway, anyone who offers the question "what would Jesus say?, obviously has an axe to grind. Since we can be sure he thinks he knows the answer. Right, take the position of someone who's long dead, so you can interpret his words in the most self serving way possible.

I don't especially hate pissing on your parade, but Christmas trees are farmed. Planted and harvested on private land for just that purpose. No forests are sacrificed every Dec. 25th, if you think otherwise you must believe in Santa Claus.

Yes Jesus was a jew,.....and your point? No one denies that. Trying to imply anti-semitism for celebrating Christmas? And your claim almost no one knows Christmas is Jesus's birthday celebration is just absurd.

The real irony here, someone who is to bitter and angry to allow everyone else to have some fun, actually seems to think that his self imposed exclusion makes him somehow smarter than the rest. Question, do you really feel smarter, or just alone?

Posted by: puggs on December 19, 2002 12:44 AM
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