December 17, 2002
Useful idiots (aka "entertainers") part MMCXXIV

I wonder what he really said? And I wonder why he would go to Iraq to be a willing shill for Saddam? It seems like all of these entertainers with sagging careers feel the need to come out firmly in stride with Saddam. I guess it is just a desperate ploy to bolster their public presence.

Just in case it disappears, here is the text from the above referenced article in the Iraq Daily.

Sean Penn condemns US threats against Iraq
Baghdad, Dec 16, INA
The American movie star, Sean Penn has condemned the US-British threats to wage war against Iraq.

He told press conference that there is no legitimate justification for the brutal campaign against an authentic state like Iraq.

He confirmed that Iraq is completely clear of weapons of mass destruction and the United Nations must adopt a positive stance towards Iraq.

He also condemned the US misleading claims arguing that it is the US and not Iraq who is practicing such illegal behavior.

Mr. Penn went on saying that he would convey to the public opinion in US the real situation that the Americans should force the US administration to stop such aggressive campaign.

Finally, Mr. Penn passed a written communiqu� in which he declared that his visit to Iraq is to evaluate the humanitarian situation of Iraqis and to reject the crippling sanctions on Iraq since 1991.

And again, why do these numbskulls always wait until they are safely overseas before they take their "high and mighty" moral stands?

Posted by nukevet at December 17, 2002 09:10 AM

I saw a piece a couple of days ago somewhere where Penn pointedly refused to comment on the US policy while overseas. Apparently he wants to come home again. What Penn is doing is pure horseshit, but I'm also sure the Iraqi's will distort whatever he does or says.

Referring to the Iraqi statement however, I'm sure glad that they say Penn has cleared them of any involvement in WMD's. Aw ratspit, now we gotta call the whole thing off! Give Blix back his seeing eye dog and recall his teams, Penn says it's all over.

Penn I think is one of those all too common Hollywood morons who is so wracked by hatred of all things republican, that he will back ANY person or cause that is in opposition to a republican president. I'm sure some idiot in Hollywood would keep it up, but if Clinton were suddenly made president again with the exact same policy, Penn and most of the others would scurry out of the light pretty quickly.

Posted by: puggs on December 17, 2002 11:40 AM

And again, why do these numbskulls always wait until they are safely overseas before they take their "high and mighty" moral stands?

Didn't you know? It's the Dread Ashcroft Dissent Squasher Brigades™! I can't hardly sleep at night for the wails and screeches of "brave dissenters" being dragged off to the camps!

Posted by: Emperor Misha I on December 18, 2002 10:34 AM
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