December 19, 2002
From hate crime to prank in one fell swoop

So, what would have happened to the "pranksters" if they were white?

Link via Instapundit

This is why hate crime legislation is so bogus. If a white guy hangs a stick figure in effigy outside a black dorm - he deserves to be aggressively prosecuted under some hate crime provision. But if a black guy hangs a stick figure in effigy outside a black dorm, then it is just a "prank", punished by nothing more than an administrative slap on the wrist by the university.

But, didn't these merry pranksters incite hatred against whites by their actions? Didn't they accuse an entirely innocent group of people of a heinous act (and get on their moral superiority hobby horse asking for protection from "white on black" acts of hate)? Aren't these black pranksters guilty of inducing hatred against someone of another race, and just as guilty under the hate crimes provisions as if the original charges had been true?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at December 19, 2002 12:35 PM
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