January 11, 2003
Hypocrit? Or worse......

I got a little e-mail from someone taking exception with the way I have handled 2 recent police shootings (toy gun and dog attack). Even though the author was obviously unhappy with me, the tone of her e-mail was at least aimed at (somewhat) rational discourse rather than invective hurling, so I've decided to let her remain anonymous. I do wish people would leave these kind of comments on the website, rather than sending them as e-mail, however:

With regards to your treatment of 2 episodes of police violence - I can only conclude that you are a hypocrit at best, and a racist at worst. It appears that you are much more upset about the death of a dog than you are about the death of a young man who was killed by police while brandishing a toy gun. This very much seems to be a double standard on your part: if (and I mean a BIG if) the police were justified in killing the boy with the toy gun because they were in fear for their life[sic], why wasn't the police officer you heap scorn upon justified in killing what he thought was an attacking pit bull? And while your post dealing with the "toy gun" episode doesn't mention race, I would suspect that the kid in question was black, based on the neighborhood the crimes were being committed in. So, no problems with the police killing a black kid with a toy gun, but a huge outpouring of moral outrage over the death of an animal? That seems to say a lot about your character and attitude - apparantly blacks are expendable but dogs are not?

So there you have it. I am a racist because she suspects the kid in the toy gun incident was black (I have no idea if he was or not). Apparently the fact that the teenager was killed during the commission of a crime where he was threatening a police officer's life doesn't enter into it. But that begs the question - am I a hypocrit (or a racist)? Should brave officer Eric Hall get a pass, because he was in fear for his life while being run at by a boxer-pit bull cross? Should I get to shoot everyone on the street that I am afraid of, and get away with it because I was "fearful"? Talk amongst yourselves.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at January 11, 2003 09:38 AM | TrackBack

No sir, you are not a racist. Although you probably didn't need me to tell you that. What your anonymous e-mailer is leaving out of the picture is that humans and animals are different. Animals run on learned behavior and instinct, in that order. Humans run on learned behavior, reason, and instinct, in that order.

When police officers are dumb enough to leave a car door open when they know there is an animal inside, they have no right to expect that animal to not exit the vehicle when he sees his humans interacting with other humans. Interaction is part of his daily routine. A learned behavior. It is not like the dog ripped the door off the car, leapt out like a hellhound and bore down on the cops. As can clearly be seen in the video (which my wife refuses to watch) he was curious and got blown away for asking in a dog like manner "whats going on?".
Sadly, I thought curiosity only killed cats. (I just wanted to say that so no one else would).

In the instance with the guy with the toy gun. First off, I'm not going to call anyone who commits a felony a kid. Once you start taking other peoples property you lose the innocence of childhood. You know that it is wrong and you decide to do it anyway. You have just made an adult decision and can no longer say "but I don't want to go to jail, I want to go to juvie". You picked your road now walk down it. I do not believe in people feeling that this is the only way they can survive. The old "the MAN was keeping me down, I had to steal" excuse doesn't hold water. There are enough people out there giving away free help to folks who are in bad situations. Crime is only done by people who want to commit it because it is easier than working for what you want.

He wanted something that was not his. His learned behavior is that he would have to threaten someone to get it and to do that he needed a gun. Toy gun, real gun, it didn't matter. The only difference was how much he was willing to give to get one. It looks like he decided to go the cheap route. When the cops arrived to arrest him he used reason to decide he did not want to go to jail. And his instinct caused him to try to use his weapon to disuade the police from pursuit. His mistake was forgetting that his weapon was a toy gun and the police had real guns. He was a young aduld who wanted to play in the real adult world. But he lost his life because he was doing so without the learned behavior you gain as an adult. "YOU DO NOT POINT GUNS AT POLICE OFFICERS"

It is never a good thing when a human being is killed by another human being. But life is a long string of experiences. One of the first things you have to learn is "If you play with fire, you more than likely will get burned" or "It's your ass, don't leave it hanging out."

Posted by: the analog kid on January 11, 2003 03:16 PM

Racist, well yeah why not, much easier than thinking isn't it? I mean a tradgedy happens through the fault of the teenager, if you don't blame the cops, society or America at large, then you HAVE to be a racist don't you. I mean sure it never entered my mind what the race of the kid was, since there was no picture I just assumed he was white, silly me. I really should try and conform to the mindless sterotype offered by the left. Why confuse them with reality since they already had their minds made up?

I refuse to waste sympathy on the stupid, too many good people suffer for all kinds of reasons. If the kid was white would your emailer feel better? Suicide by mistake is really what we're talking about here. Like the moron who leans in the lions cage and gets ripped apart, I'll save my regrets for his family, cause the gene pool just got a little cleaner.

As for the dog, he was an innocent, and just like a small child, people grieve for them. Thats normal. Only somebody from another planet could possibly think you can point what appears to be a weapon at a cop and be completely safe. Reality check, intentional menacing vs. tail wagging dog? Oh please.......

Posted by: puggs on January 12, 2003 02:22 AM

Yup, the kid was black. My thoughts are that if he's old enough to threaten to kill, he's old enough to die. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Robert Rosenthal on January 12, 2003 11:07 PM
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