January 28, 2003
Those who do not learn the lessons of history.....

Go read this.

My favorite bit:

The history of appeasement does not change. Hitler was once a weak little man - and it was the concessions of the appeasers of his day that allowed him to grow strong. Once Saddam has his nuclear weapons, he will beat the drum of war. It will be a war that the new appeasers, like the old appeasers who rallied to Churchill after Hitler's first blitzkrieg, will bitterly regret that they did not fight when they had the chance to win

Go read the whole thing.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at January 28, 2003 11:44 AM | TrackBack

It's nice to know that some people outside America actually get the point.

Posted by: puggs on January 28, 2003 02:24 PM
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