January 28, 2003
Notice how there's always a "however"

See if you can spot the "however" in this story of vandals desecrating a memorial to victims of 9/11. You know, the old "that is such a horrible thing to do. HOWEVER, the US is just really getting what it deserves, etc, etc, etc...."

Stupid bastards.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at January 28, 2003 10:13 PM | TrackBack

New Zealand has been a hotbed of "peace" activists since the cold war in the eighties. Their then Prime Minister denied the US navy port facilities because they would tolerate no nuclear weapons on their territory. The navy would not say which ships carried nukes and which did not for obvious reasons. Hence no US naval vessels docked in New Zealand during that time.

Like the Aussies and the Canadians, Kiwi's armed forces are very good. And like those two nations they have a sizable socialist community which would rather eat dirt than side with America on any issue. It's sad really, the average Kiwi has no hatred for us, they get along with us as well as anyone.

I guess for some of them, being isolated so far from anyone else across a vast ocean breeds a sense of being somehow above it all. Why some find value in the deaths of 3000 Americans is the cruelist twist of all.

Posted by: puggs on January 29, 2003 12:06 AM

'However, the vandalism was evidence of a "deep anger, frustration, and powerlessness at the seemingly unstoppable drive for war led by the US and British governments, despite the inevitable humanitarian catastrophe for the already-suffering Iraqi people".'

No. The vandalism was evidence of the lack of normal thought patterns in the people who did it.


If you disagree, there are better ways to express yourself. You don't shit on the memorial of those who lost their lives.

Posted by: Da Goddess on January 29, 2003 01:15 AM
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