January 29, 2003
First the million man march, then the million moms march

and now the

Million Useful Idiots March

So now we get this report that February 15th will be the day for "millions" of people to march against war with Iraq. Somehow the marching of a few small percentage points worth of the entire population is supposed to win the day over the much larger majority. There are some great hysterical quotes in this tiny little bit of reporting, including:

Ruehl compared the intent to declare war on Iraq to giving "massive doses of chemotherapy with all its devastating effect to a body that hasn't been proven to have cancer."

But my favorite favorite quote from the press release is from councilman Bill Perkins, whose cousin was killed in the WTC attacks:

"This war should not be fought in my name," Perkins said.

Here's an idea, Bill. How about we fight the war in your dead cousin's name?

Posted by nukevet at January 29, 2003 04:00 PM | TrackBack

Dang, and that's my moving day.

Posted by: Tony on January 29, 2003 04:57 PM

Not in my name should be stamped on the tombstone of every person butchered at the hands of a third world tyrant. Not in my name should any idiot proclaim his desire for peace at any cost. Not in my name should an aging hippy try to reclaim his youth on the blood of oppressed people. Not in my name should people be keep in slavery to murderers because some moral retard thinks it's really all about oil.

For people who claim to be so concerned about saving people from war, they seem to be walking on an awful thick carpet of bodies. But's that OK isn't it, cause only America kills people. Everyone else who dies seems to escape their notice.

Posted by: puggs on January 30, 2003 01:12 AM
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