January 29, 2003
Looking for VRWC friends

Aaron, aka the "Uppity-Negro" is looking to make new conservative friends. He is especially fond of strong willed white women with a warhawkish bent. Head on over and say hello. In fact, if you have a "conservative" blog that supports military action in Iraq, why don't you add the U-N to your blogroll?

This guy has been rather nasty to Michele over at a small victory, and has gone after other female bloggers like Meryl Yourish, Andrea Harris, and even Rachel Lucas. Go read his stuff, then visit the blogs of the women he has fixated on. As one commentor on Michele's site opined - Aaron's proven that even an anencephalic can blog....

Apparently Uppity also means boorish, rude, sophomoric, crass, and ignorant.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at January 29, 2003 07:32 PM | TrackBack

Damn. I may start a blog, pretending to be the next Ann Coulter, and link to this 'tard a lot just to see the fireworks.

Posted by: Eichra Oren on January 29, 2003 09:27 PM

Not only does this clown have nothing important to say, but he manages to say it in the most vile and offensive way possible. I did notice he made referrence about halfway down the commet section about using ammonia and bleach to clean his site since so many warbloggers had sullied it.

Visual image; Aaron lying on the floor kicking his feet in the air, after getting a big sniff. I take it this supposed vet never learned that mixing the two produces a fairly leathal gas. If that dufuss served he didn't learn jack.

Posted by: puggs on January 30, 2003 02:18 AM
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