January 30, 2003
Strange Bedfellows

The headline says it all:

Report: France, Syria coordinate Security Council efforts to avert Iraq war

Makes you wonder where France REALLY stands on a lot of issues, doesn't it. I think it is going to be very, very ugly when those skeletons come out of the closet.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at January 30, 2003 03:12 PM | TrackBack

I'm only wondering what France and Gremany thinks their next step is? Yeah they can vote no on the security council, but they know that doing so will only dicredit the U.N. and effectivly show them to be the League of Nations of the 21st century.
Will they go so far as to ask our forces to leave Germany? As much as I would like to see our guys come home, I hope not. Because unless some of the new Baltic states or Poland let us set up camp, I know that the moment we do leave all hell will slowly start to beak loose, and we will have to go back for a very messy round three.
Niether of them have the balls to declare war. France doesn't even have the balls to leave the religion clause in their constitution alone. Just to keep their Muslim immigrants happy, they're building them Mosques.
The EU org is starting to show rifts already, and if it breaks up, the pieces are going to fall right on top of both of them. And that is going to get ugly, and they are going to get desperate. I have always personally believed that the WWIII that the left is acusing Bush of trying to start, actually started with Black September, the year I was born. But I've also always hoped I was wrong.

Posted by: analog kid on January 31, 2003 05:20 AM

I suspect that yes, the Germans won't kick us out because,
A. The billions we put in their economy.
B. The balkan states would fall all over themselves to invite us to move to their countries.
C. The anti-American sentiment isn't as universal as they want us to believe.

If thing do start to worsen after the war in Iraq I think we should tell the Germans to "Benden Sie over", and pullout on our own. God knows we'd get a better deal from other countries. Poland would want us if only to keep the Germans honest.

One thing seems likely too, the EU is beginning to show stress cracks, so look for some more signs that maybe the French and Germans are pissing off the rest of Europe. Hell could you imagine how steamed we would be if Canada made statements claiming to speak for all of North America? Angry wouldn't begin to cover it.

Posted by: puggs on January 31, 2003 10:26 AM
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