February 01, 2003
Jessica Lange, Super Patriot?

I have a commenter take issue with this post (why are all of these people commenting on posts 2-3 months old all of a sudden) on Jessica Lange's little anti_American diatribe. Eric not only feels that I was too hard on Jessica, but that I am failing to recognize her as a brave patriot of the same order of magnitude as our founding fathers. You go read Jessica's comments again, and see if she deserves to be included as one of the great freedom fighters of all time.

Eric's comment, and my response:

Wow, your scalding commentary of Jessica Lange's criticisms of Bush has a lot of punch to it. She's not a "normal" citizen, perhaps (though I'd like to know what is); she certainly has some nerve. But your patriotism is misinformed; it's patriotic to dissent, to think critically about things, even more so when you have something to lose -- as someone in the public sphere, like Lange, does -- at a time when so few seem willing to do so.
But the dissenting spirit of the founding fathers doesn't really interest you, what you enjoy is bashing people. It helps mask your own ignorance, and insecurity about complex matters like politics that must result. But then, it's your website, you're entitled to bark as loud as you want at people you don't agree with. For now, at least. Best hope the Ashcroft regime starts pulling in the reins of Internet freedoms of expression. Enjoy your blissful ignorance while you can!

Posted by: Eric on January 31, 2003 05:46 PM


Actually, Eric, I have nothing at all against dissent. That's why I allow comments on my site. What I do have a problem with is celebrities that think they have some special insight into the current situation, and use the opportunity of being in front of a crowd to promote their latest book/movie/broadway play to lecture us on how the world should be. Read here comments and tell me where the actual dissent is. Read them and tell me where the well thought out, rationale criticism AND equally well thought out solutions are. Can't fing them? Not too surprising, since they aren't there.

Comparing Lange's temper tantrum and display of anti-Americanism (actually just anti-Bushism; I'm sure she wouldn't say anything if a democratic president was leading us to war) to our founding fathers is laughable at best, and moronic at worst. Do you see any comparison between:

"Give me liberty, or give me death" (Patrick Henry)


"It makes me ashamed to come from the United States, it is humiliating"

Sorry if I got a little too close to one of your favorite celebrities. But Jessica Lange is just another spoiled brat actress that thinks she can speak for the "Average American", and that we should all fall over at the beauty and wisdom of her words.

Someone in the discussion is certainly living in ignorant bliss (or tinfoil hat delusion), but I'm not so certain it is me.

Posted by: Neal on February 1, 2003 09:38 AM


I always love being lectured to on the evils of Ashcroft and the Bush Regime from someone living abroad. Eric's domain traces back Vienna, Austria, but he actually appears to have left a valid e-mail address (at least my comment to him hasn't bounced back). However, Eric's e-mail server is in...Duetschland. Yep, I certainly do value someone from Germany lecturing me on the values of the American founding fathers. Sure, Eric could be an expatriot, living abroad. But it's kust funny that all of the anti-Americanism posted on this board comes from outside the US. Do you really hate us, or are you just jealous?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 01, 2003 09:44 AM | TrackBack

If he's so fucking ashamed to be from the Unir=ted States he should MOVE. I am sure some nice country like Iraq qould take him in to their loving arms. What a fuckwad!

Posted by: Madman on February 1, 2003 09:55 AM

hmm as you can see I was so irritated by that fake whiney I am so ashamed speech that I fat fingered UNITED STATES. I get so mad at the pampered wimpy right wing pansies and their shame. you don't like being an American? Then fucking move. We allow that in this awful country...

Posted by: Madman on February 1, 2003 09:56 AM

What is this? A troll comments on old posts thinking you won't notice, there by giving them the last word?

Dissent is indeed American, so is calling a fool "A fool". Just because you disagree doesn't make you speacial, brave or right. Joe Kennedy dissented from FDR's stance against the Nazi's, did that make him a patriot Eric? Or just another crackpot? If you're gonna "risk" anything on being a small voice of dissent, it would be nice if you didn't sound like a complete moron.

Posted by: puggs on February 1, 2003 10:03 AM

Columbia is down. Brave people are dead, and I just have no fucking patience left anymore.

God keep that brave crew. God Bless them and us, and I'm so sorry that the first Israeli astronaut is now lost. I'm going to get drunk tonight.

Posted by: puggs on February 1, 2003 10:17 AM

An excellent smack down of a rebuttal. I do not understand why the whiny bitches of the world feel the need to defend each other. Maybe it is because the all have something in common besides their political beliefs. A lack of critical thinking.

The Lange's, Sarandon's, and Clooney's of the world are obviously partisian in their thoughts and words. And that is their right. But it shows a seriously deranged personality and a need for professional attention to see critisim as persecution.

Posted by: analog kid on February 1, 2003 11:38 AM

Has she moved to Iraq yet? Shall we pack her bags?

Posted by: Janet on March 12, 2003 11:49 AM

People: Lange is anti-Bush and his adminstration. Not anti-American. Everyone needs to remember there is a difference between the government and the public. Her comment regarding being ashamed is the result of the administration, OK? And she's not a real Hollywood actress since she lived in LA for less than a year in her life. Yes, she's in a position to speak out and be heard because she is a public figure, but she rarely does so. In fact, the only other time I recall her being so vocal was with the farm crisis in the mid-1980s. If she didn't love her home, I'm sure she would leave. She can afford it. And I'm sure she's paid more in taxes in the past years than all of us have in the past ten. As a taxpayer, as a citizen, as a voter, she has a right to her opinion. As we all do (for now).

Posted by: GTM on March 14, 2003 09:12 PM

Consider the source. Perhaps if her education, experience and stature as a international diplomat were other than what they are, she might muster an ounce of credibility. Suffice it to say, the only thing Jessica has accomplished is proven her ignorance and dismantled any professional respect as an actress I, and I'm sure many others, once had.

Posted by: on March 19, 2003 03:23 PM
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