This makes me physically ill. I just found out about it, as I haven't turned the TV on all day long. Is it just coincidence that this shuttle carried the first Israeli astronaut ever, or something more?
Can't post anymore - gotta go see what happened.
Instapundit, as always, has lots of coverage and links of interest. His speculation is that terrorism is a very low probability. It is still and eerie thing, to have the shuttle explode on re-entry with the Israeli astronaut aboard.
And already we have a Canadian Broadcaster suggesting that "American Arrogance" is responsible for the disaster.
And Iraq sees it as a sign of God's vengeance against the US. I wonder how long before the radical parts of the anti-war group reach the same conclusion. It might be a difficult position for them to take, seeing as how many of the leftist elite don't believe in God. I'm sure it will be an ideological barrier they can overcome in order to take advantage of a US-bashing opportunity.
Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 01, 2003 11:05 AM | TrackBackIn times like this I fall back to the faith I sometimes neglect. But I find some comfort there, some.
They are so special, our astronauts. They are our best and brightest. I could never hope to fly in space, though as a child I was inspired by them. If in my old age there are colonies on Mars, it will be because of the hope and sacrifice of men and women like those we lost today. I will learn about them, I want to know their names. They are blazing the trail for us, and for mankind.
There should be no dissent on this, no condemnation. I don't want to hear it, and I won't listen to it.
Only the most bitter America hating fool could find anything in this other then tradgedy. We are mourning today, some of us are praying for the souls, and families of the lost.
I'm crying inside..I never even knew them and I feel like I just lost a piece of my family.
May God hold them close..