February 02, 2003
Talk about role reversal!

Julie Burchill, one of the most persistant anti-American journalists at he Guardian, has come out if favor of war with Iraq.

Her most basic reason: It is better to fight a small war now than a bigger war later. And she knocks over the arguments of the left very convincingly, one by one.

I wonder how badly she is going to be pilloried by the typical Guardian reader for her actions?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 02, 2003 09:40 AM | TrackBack

I don't know, but this oughta be good. I found that article too, I bookmarked the Gaurdian's columnists page about 12 months ago. Always like to know what the enemy is thinking. It would usually make me want to throw things, but occasionally you get a diamond in the rough. She's still a whitch, but she's going in the right direction for once. Maybe the first time in her life.

One thing about the Guardian's opinion columns, most used to post the e-mail addresses of the author. As you can see thats no longer the case. Seems some of the sensitive leftwingers couldn't deal with all the e-mails coming from America. Us meanies over here could appreciate their principled views on the evils of Ameica. Several columnists have referrenced to this, getting outraged that they would recieve 300-400 e-mails ranging from polite to go f**k yourself. That was per column on the US. Most (not all) addresses disappeared just after we started fighting in Afghanistan.

Guess I should've been more polite?

Posted by: puggs on February 2, 2003 11:01 AM
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