February 08, 2003
Annan "warns" us on Unilateral action

How many friends do you have to have before an action stops being unilateral? I guess the 12-15 countries in open support of the US don't count, since they aren't France, Germany, Libya, or the Sudan.

Love this statement:

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan warned the United States on Saturday against making war on Iraq on its own, arguing collective action under a U.N. umbrella would have greater legitimacy and better odds of success.

Hahahaha. Better odds of success? Like the overwhelming success shown by the UN in dealing with Iraq over the 12 years? And do we even have to address the legitimacy issue again? Why is it only a legitimate action if we do the things dictated to us by countries that don't have OUR best interests in mind, while being sure they do everything to protect their interests?

Sad thing is, I'm sure Annan really, really believes that the UN is a major factor as a world peacekeeper and arbiter. Delusional at best.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 08, 2003 01:34 PM | TrackBack

"would have GREATER legitimacy", my emphasis. Isn't that a tacit admission that any action would already be legitimate? Only more so with Kofi's approval? Meaning he should choose his words more carefully, us Americans being so rash and all.

Anybody who believes the UN as it exists is trying to prevent war, is deluded. They are trying to prevent a US lead war, irregardless the reasons. They allow anyone else to kill without restriction. Read the headlines for the last ten years, when did they ever prevent a war. Their own figures state that 276 wars and conflicts have been fought since 46. If Kofi was serious about this, he would put as much pressure on Huessein as he does on the US. But I'm not holding my breath.

Posted by: puggs on February 8, 2003 02:54 PM

The UN really needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and see the real world. Instead of using the organization as a country club escape from their shithole countries, they should at least make an attempt to live up to the ideal behind the founding of the United Nations

Posted by: Madman on February 9, 2003 06:22 AM
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