February 08, 2003
I wish all the bad men would just go away.....

So now Dave Matthews has to weigh in on the war. His missive starts out by saying that he has to "speak his mind about the war, or choke on his conscience". By the time you get to the end of his little missive, you will definitiely wish he had choked on something.

All you had to see was the "Dave Matthews Band teams up with Ben and Jerry's" logo at the bottom to know what you were in for, though.

I want to deal with this line by line later, but not enough time right now. Go read it, and you'll see that it is going to take a LOT of time to answer these bleatings. Did he learn NOTHING from the Crowe t-shirt debacle?


The Emporer has already deconstructed Dave, with his usual imperial ruthlessness.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 08, 2003 05:49 PM | TrackBack

Daves music puts me to sleep.

Posted by: Brent on February 9, 2003 01:45 PM

Do you believe everything that GWB says. That guy is a moron and hasn't produced one piece of evidence that suggests Iraq has a nuclear bomb. Start thinking outside the box and dont believe everything you see on fox news. What is for sure is that GWB is beginning to ruin the integrity of a wonderful country right before your nieve eyes, and you can't open them to see it, because you are so blinded by propaganda.

Posted by: Mc on February 10, 2003 05:48 PM

Hahahahaha! This is why I allow anonymous comments on this site, because you never know who (or what) will step up and show their bias.

Just because you hate Bush is no reason to dismiss out of hand all of the evidence that Saddam is up to no good. And I notice how you have morphed "Saddam doesn't have weapons of mass destruction" into "Saddam doesn't have nukes". I guess the incontrovertible proof that Saddam is playing the UN for patsies while violating 1441 in just about every conceivable way makes the "he doesn't have WMD" argument completely untenable, so time to fall back on they have to be NUCLEAR WMDs before they count.

You call Bush a moron, but his handling of everything from 9/11 on would suggest otherwise. And as far as ruining the integrity of a country - how do you figure that. Those that hate us will do so until we completely acquiesce to their demands. Those that hold the same values dear as we are right there behind us. But I think you are sadly mistaken if you think we had that much integrity to begin with, following 8 years of a Clinton presidency.

I don't think I'm blinded by propaganda (but then those who are rarely do, do they?). But you have spewed enough leftist dogma to make me think that perhaps you aren't seeing too clearly yourself.

Posted by: Neal on February 10, 2003 06:33 PM

GWB is not an idiot and this showdown with Iraq does remind me of how the League of Nations acted before WWII. Maybe some people would prefer to wait for another 9/11, I don't.

Posted by: mog on February 10, 2003 07:03 PM
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