February 12, 2003
But we ARE important. Really we are.

Awwww, ain't they cute? Weasels at play.

And a few quotes about weasels, particularly relating to their reluctance to protect others........

"The failure of these states to honor their commitments is beneath contempt," said Rep. Tom Lantos, D-California.

"America has fought distant wars to defend whole continents from a succession of aggressors, but the beneficiaries of the safety we have ensured often devote their energies to impeding our efforts to help others," Hyde said.

The president thinks it's vital that the people and governments of Europe "not turn their back" on Turkey, and he knows a majority of them won't, Fleischer said. There continue to be "a small number of European nations that continue to isolate themselves from their fellow Europeans," he said -- a situation he called "regrettable."

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 12, 2003 05:55 PM | TrackBack
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